When will the sun be back? June weather predictions for France

May has seen wet, windy, overcast weather and storms across much of the country

Field of Lavender in France in June with inset weather map
The weather across France should settle during the first week of June
Published Last updated

The month of May has seen particularly unsettled weather, including hail storms and floods, sweep across France. We look ahead to the start of June to see what the start of summer will bring.

The gentle spring rains of May brought a tornado to France this year as well as a devastating hail storm that destroyed 1,000 hectares of vineyards in the south-west and mudslides that cut a village in two.

Read more: PHOTOS: Cars submerged as violent storms hit France

Fortunately, the weather is forecast to finally settle during the first week of June, with average temperatures of around 25C by Wednesday, June 5.

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However, the end of the unsettled weather by no means signals a return to normal. The French weather service, Météo France, says the summer is expected to be hotter and drier than average, particularly along the Mediterranean coast.