Are €1 home insulation offers in France a scam?

The cost of insulation renovations can be partially covered by a number of schemes

Insulation can be a cost-effective means to reduce energy bills
Published Last updated

Reader Question: I keep seeing a lot of adverts for €1 insulation schemes, and the companies seem legitimate. I remember the government ran a programme similar to this a few years back. Has it returned?

The government did run a €1 home insulation scheme, but this ended in 2022. 

The ‘coup de pouce "isolation des combles et planchers"’ scheme saw certain authorised companies install loft or floor insulation for €1 (with the remaining costs covered by the government), in an effort to reduce energy consumption.

The scheme was altered in June 2022, however, and insulation for €1 is no longer offered.

So any company that is offering such a service is likely to be a scam, especially if it says the price is due to government backing. 

Other schemes can still help finance insulation

However, there are some schemes that can still be used to reduce the cost of insulating a home. 

This includes the Certificats Economie d’Energie (CEE, or Energy Savings Certificate), a one-off payment for eco-renovation projects. 

It is paid by energy suppliers. Customers of most major energy and gas companies are eligible.

To qualify, the work must be carried out by a tradesperson that is Reconnu garant de l'environnement (RGE) certified, and your home must be at least two years old. 

Households of all income levels are eligible, although those with a lower income can receive more support towards the renovation costs. Main and second homes are eligible. 

You can also use a zero-interest eco-renovation loan (Éco-prêt à taux zéro) to fund insulation projects, or chèque énergie vouchers. 

Eco-renovation scheme currently covers isolated works

In addition, the MaPrimeRénov’ eco-renovation scheme supports insulation projects. For low-income households, amounts can reach up to €75 per m² of insulation installed. 

Previously to benefit from this scheme the insulation work had to be undertaken with further renovation works. 

Until January 2025, however, insulation work on its own is covered, and does not need to be combined with anything else. 

Other eligibility rules, including household income levels, the property being at least a certain number of years old, still apply.

You can read more about using MaPrimeRénov’ for insulation in our article below. 

Read more: Home renovation grants simplified in France