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Can an English couple make a will together?
Every other day, we share a reader question from our help guide, Inheritance Law and Wills in France. Today's question is about creating a will as a couple.

We want to opt for English law in a will but can we draw it up together as a couple?
No, each person should make their own will and if you have goods held in common you may bequeath your share in the property but not the whole of it (for example a jointly-owned house). The most common kind of will is the testament olographe. It is best for it to be in French, avoiding a need for translation afterwards, and it should begin ‘ceci est mon testament’ (this is my will). It is also important to make the wording direct and to identify heirs clearly.
Inheritance planning can be complex and you may wish to take advice from a notaire on matters like the protection of a surviving spouse or the option of bequeathing lifetime use of a home to someone and residual ownership to someone else.
Find out all the information you need to create a will in France and more with our Inheritance Law and Wills in France 2020 help guide
Inheritance Law and Wills in France 2020 Help Guide
This 64-page help guide by The Connexion details all the information you need to know about inheritance law and wills in France. It looks at how to create a British will in France, explains succession laws, procedures on a death, creating a will as a couple, leaving funds to family and pets, and so much more. Click here to find out more.