Can I own a French registered car as a second-home owner?

There are benefits to using a left hand drive vehicle in France

Some people opt to bring their right-hand drive car over to France, but others find it easier to buy a car once here

Reader Question: We have a second-home, but do not like to drive from the UK when we holiday in France. Can we buy a vehicle here and register it if the address is not our main residence?

There are no main residency formalities to register a French car in your name meaning you are able to do this. 

To register the car, documents needed will include proof of identity and proof of French address – such as an energy bill, deed of ownership, tax statement etc.

However this address does not have to be a main residency, but a French property you can prove that you own or rent.

The registration process varies depending on whether you buy the car directly from a dealership or privately second-hand. 

In the case of the former, the dealership / garage should undertake the registration for you – whether you are the first owner or it is a second-hand car – however with the latter you will need to register the car yourself.

You can hire a professional to do this for you – see here to find a list of people who can officially register your car local to you – but many opt to do this themselves. 

Registration requests are made via the ANTS website

Read more: How do you register a used car in France?

You will also need to make sure the car is insured through a French company. 

Depending on where you are planning to drive your car, you may also need a Crit’Air sticker for it. 

Read more: 2024 MAP: Where are France’s clean air driving zones? What are rules?