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Can the 90-day stay limit in France be extended for medical reasons?
Staying in France past the 90-day limit is possible with an application to the local prefecture and presenting various documents. We explain

Reader question: Is there a way for a UK national to extend a visit to France beyond the 90-day limit after an accident that requires regular medical follow-ups?
The British Embassy in Paris says it is possible via an application to the local prefecture for an autorisation provisoire de séjour (provisional right to stay) on compassionate grounds.
The Dordogne prefecture said there would be a €39 fee in timbres fiscaux for this (obtainable from a tabac) and that the authorisation cannot exceed 180 days.
You need to show a passport and a copy of it, proof of health insurance (such as an Ehic or Ghic card), a copy of a return travel ticket out of France, and a doctor’s certificate.
If you are staying with someone a declaration from the host as to their relationship with you and willingness to take financial responsibility for you if required, the prefecture added.
Other reasons for asking for such an extension could be work-related matters, such as a training course being prolonged or a delay in the execution of a contract, or other ‘exceptional and unpredictable’ events.
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