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Covid vaccine certificate for residents not in French health system
People who do not have a social security number can still get a vaccine certificate compatible with the country’s health pass and the EU’s travel scheme

Reader question: We are early retirees living in France [with private healthcare] and do not have a social security number or carte Vitale. We have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in France. How do we get our vaccination certificates that are compatible with the health pass system and the EU’s travel system?
It is possible in France to get a Covid-19 vaccination certificate without having a social security number or an Ameli account.
If you have already been vaccinated...
If you have already been fully vaccinated, like our reader, and did not receive a vaccination certificate similar to the one above at the time of your injection, then the best method to get your vaccination certificate is to ask at the place where you were vaccinated, whether at a vaccination centre, with your GP or at a pharmacy.
The healthcare worker will search your details on their system and issue you with a certificate.
You may need to provide information such as the date and time of your final vaccine dose, the arm you received the vaccine in and your address and postcode. This is to help the healthcare worker find you on the system.
There is also a free helpline that you can call: 0800 08 71 48, which is open seven days a week between 09:00 and 20:00.
Some cities or towns may also have set up dedicated phone numbers or email addresses for you to contact to get your vaccination certificate.
For example, if you live in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), you can email Ville de Nice at attestationcovid19@nicecotedazur.org to ask for your Covid-19 vaccination certificate.
Below is an example of a Covid-19 vaccination certificate issued in France that is updated with a QR code compatible with the French health pass and the EU’s Digital Covid Certificate scheme.

Read more: 15 FAQs on EU’s Covid Digital Certificate and France summer travel
Once you have a paper copy of your certificate, you can upload it to the TousAntiCovid phone application, if you wish.
You should go to the Wallet (Carnet) section in the app (pictured below) and choose to add a certificate. You should then scan the QR code on your vaccination certificate that says: “Flashez pour ajouter dans TousAntiCovid”.

If you already have a Covid-19 vaccination certificate but it was issued before June 25 and so does not have the latest QR code compatible with EU travel, you can update your certificate.
If you have not yet been vaccinated...
Anyone who gets vaccinated in France from now can ask for a Covid-19 vaccination certificate at the time of their injection that has a QR code on it that is compatible with France’s health pass system and the EU-wide travel scheme known as Digital Covid Certificate.
People may also be given this certificate automatically, without having to ask.
The certificate should look like the one picture above in the article, with two QR codes on it.
Read our article here explaining How to ensure your French Covid certificates will work for EU travel
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