Do I need permission to install a shelter for my outdoor French pool?

Rules can vary dependent upon the structure and the location of a property

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Reader Question: We built a swimming pool in our second home a few years back, but now want to build a shelter over it. Does this require planning permission from the mairie?

It is possible to build a shelter or cover (abri) for your outdoor pool, but it must follow certain procedures. 

The main rules depend on the height of the cover, as this affects what planning permission is required. 

If the pool cover is 1.80 m or lower, then planning permission is not generally required (neither a permis de construire or déclaration préalable de travaux). It can be built without any authorisation. 

Note that local planning rules (Plan Local d'Urbanisme or PLU) may affect whether building permits are required, so you should still contact your local mairie regardless. 

If the cover is 1.80m or taller, article article R421-1 of the Town Planning Code (Code de l'urbanisme) applies, and you will need to ask for planning permission via a permis de construire

This is to make sure that the construction complies with local building regulations. 

When calculating the height of the pool enclosure, it is measured from the existing natural ground level before any work was begun. 

If you are planning to build your shelter at the same time as your swimming pool, then planning permission rules will depend on the size of the pool, as well as the shelter. 

Read more: What approval must I get to install an indoor swimming pool in France?

Remember to declare the project for tax purposes

As a reminder, all modifications to your property including the construction of a swimming pool enclosure (or pool), must be declared to the tax authorities.

This is the case even if you did not need planning permission to build it.

This can be done online, through the Biens Immobiliers section of your personal space on the French tax site, or through a H1 form sent to your local mairie.

The project must be declared within 90 days of construction being completed. 

Those who declare within the correct time frame benefit from up to two years of exemption, before additional taxes related to the construction are levied. 

Those who do not declare risk a fine, and may need to start paying tax earlier than this date. 

Read more: New shed, veranda, pool: how to declare in France and what time frame