Is a licence needed to pilot a drone in France?

There are no-fly zones in some parts of the country

Many drone enthusiasts join local flying clubs
Published Last updated

Reader Question: I want to bring my drone with me on holiday to France, but I am not sure if I need an official licence? 

The use of drones is very widespread in France and subject to a complex mesh of regulations.

At present, the French rules split drone users into three groups: hobbyists, clubs, and professionals. 

If your drone weighs less than 250g, or is considered a toy (under EU Directive 2009/48/EC) you are only concerned by the most basic rules (which are largely common sense). 

These basic rules include not flying too close to people, respecting privacy and avoiding no-fly zones (such as airports).

Read more: What are the rules for using drones in France?

Regardless of your level, however, there are areas of France where it is completely forbidden to fly a drone. 

These areas are indicated in the article above, and on the website, which allows you to search for specific addresses.

Do I need a licence to fly a drone in France? 

Hobbyists do not need a specific licence to fly their drones, provided they keep to the rules related to its size and weight.

Note that for larger drones, those with cameras, or those of category C1 to C4 (specifications given to drones sold after 2021), additional rules on usage apply. 

Older drones will also have specific rules.

This may include requiring authorisation to pilot the vehicle from the French civil aviation authority (DGAC). 

You can use the Service Public website to check if the drone you want to use is subject to any additional regulations (available in French and English).

If required, you can make a request to register your drone on the AlphaTango online portal here. Each modification for your drone required you to register it again.

At higher levels, professional drone users will either need a licence, or in some cases, a type of pilot’s licence for ultralight aircraft. 

If you wish to pilot such drones, you should become a member of a drone club – you can find your local club through the Fédération française d’aéromodélisme.