Explained: How care homes work in France and average cost

Établissement d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (Ehpads) offer medical care and aim to relieve residents and their families of daily administrative tasks.

Learn what an EHPAD is and who it is for
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What can I expect?

We might think of an EHPAD as an old people’s home, but while a maison de retraite simply accommodates people after they retire, an Ehpad also offers medical care and aims to relieve residents and their families of all daily administrative tasks. 

There are around 11,000 facilities for elderly people in France, of which 70% are Ehaps, generally accommodating between 50 and 120 residents. 

A handful of centres, known as petites unités de vie, accommodate fewer than 25 residents but the principles are the same.

As well as daily care, EHPADs offer residents regular entertainment and clubs, with a view to maintaining social interaction.

Who can live in an Ehpad?

EHPADs accommodate people based on two criteria: they are personnes âgées – so they’re usually over 60 – and they are dépendantes, meaning that they are no longer independent, but need help and care on a daily basis. People under 60 can be admitted to an EHPAD by special dispensation.

Is it free?

Sadly, no: all residents pay monthly charges. A recent government study indicated that the national average cost is €2,171 a month (€1,713 for accommodation and €458 dependency). Financial aid can be requested, but the income of spouses and children will also be taken into account.

Read more: French benefit explainer: Apa, help to stay independent in older age

Why has it been in the news recently?

In April a new law, the loi du Bien vieillir ('Ageing well'), guaranteed Ehpad residents the right to daily visits. This followed uproar when strict Covid restrictions deprived loved ones of access, even at the end of life. 

Now, Ehpad residents can receive visitors of their choice every day, without having to inform the establishment in advance. For people at the end of their lives or in palliative care, this right will be retained, even in the event of a health crisis. 

The law also gives Ehpad residents rights to bring in their pets. Authorisation is conditional, however, on being able to "meet the needs" of these animals and "respecting hygiene and safety conditions".

Where do I find out more?

Search the government website service-public.fr for Ehpad, where you will also find links about state benefits and allowances.