Roadworthiness checks for motorbikes remain obligatory, rules French court
The ruling comes despite fierce opposition to the contrôle technique from many riding
Nearly 7,000 Britons have been granted French nationality since Brexit
The UK consistently ranks among the top five countries for people gaining French citizenship, with 6,863 people acquiring the nationality between 2021 - 2023
Second-hand cars: Understand new French tax that looms
The new ‘malus écologique’ will be calculated based on CO2 emissions, weight, and kilometrage
Family allowance: Claiming Allocations Familiales
Parents of at least two children under 20 in permanent, legal residence in France, can claim family allowance whatever their income, although since summer 2015 better-off families have received reduced amounts.
(If you previously claimed child benefit in the UK you should have let the Child Benefit Office know that you have moved abroad).
The Caisse d’allocations familiales (Caf – part of the social security system) pays child benefits as well as other benefits related to housing, work, family and income support benefit RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active).
For family allowance, get a form at tinyurl.com/French-Family-Allowance (You want the form Demande de prestations familiales ou changement de situation - it should say Cerfa 11423*06 in the top right).
For two children the full monthly benefit on going to press is -129.47; for three -295.35 and -165.88 for each additional child thereafter.
For older children there is an extra -64.74 per month after a child’s 14th birthday if you have three or more children.
The allocation de rentrée scolaire is a back-to-school benefit for families with children aged six to 18, whose income is below a certain threshold. It is to help pay for autumn back-to-school costs and varies according to the child’s age.
If you get benefits from the Caf you will automatically receive it at the end of August. If not, you must apply (again using the form Cerfa 11423*06). In 2016 it was -363 for children aged 6-10; -383 for 11-14 and -396 for 15-18.
Other help is available for single parents, or guardians of a child and for babies.
Help is also available for disabled workers, people starting a job after a long time out of work and young people.