Map: Number of doctors in France rises (slightly), see best and worst areas now
The rise comes amid the growing issue of ‘medical deserts’ in rural areas
How long are waits at French emergency units - new statistics released
We also look at how wait times compare with the UK and the US
Change to nurses’ role in France: How could patients be affected?
It comes after MPs passed a bill to expand the role, and improve provision in medical ‘deserts’
Finding a doctor who speaks English
I HAVE heard that an English GP has started a practice in my area. Can you advise me where I should look as I cannot find any details? A.T.

Doctors are not allowed to advertise (eg. by taking out a press advert) and there is no official way to search (on the internet or otherwise) for a doctor who speaks English or is of a certain nationality.
The Code de la Santé details the advertising ban and also says doctors should not describe themselves in an excessively self-promoting way on their websites.
However just stating that they are English, for example, or speak English, would just be ‘information’, a spokeswoman for the Ordre National des Médecins told Connexion.
An internet search for “English-speaking doctors” throws up some incomplete unofficial lists.
There are also some services in France specifically aimed at English-speakers, such as the American Hospital of Paris, which has hundreds of doctors on its books, many of whom see people as outpatients (see “Find a physician” at american-hospital.org) or the Institut Hospitalier Franco-Britannique (www.ihfb.org) also in Paris, which is run by the Hertford British Hospital Charity.
Riviera Medical Services (www.rivieramedical.com) is a partnership of doctors who all speak English and are based across the Alpes-Maritimes.
The emergency home call-outs service SOS Médecins (3624) also says you may ask for an English-speaking doctor.