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How can I make changes to an SCI property company?
Reader's query on the legal details of their SCI and how to change them.
An SCI was created for the purchase of our chalet in 1998. We are now setting up an SCI bank account and looking through our papers realise that the statut required by the BNP is missing and the siège is out of date. How do we get a copy and change the address? I.B
You can carry out some formalities at infogreffe.fr/societes/ Insert company number under rechercher to find the legal details of your SCI, including the address of the siège (headquarters).
It is customary to make this the address of the property. If you wish to change it then you must:
- Hold an Extraordinary General Meeting to vote on the change and prepare a minute of the meeting signed by the president of the meeting.
- Print in a journal d’annonces légales in your area a public notice advertising the change. Find one at actulegales.fr/journaux-annonces-legales. Obtain from the newspaper an attestation of the printing
- Reprint your statutes including the address of the new siège and have each page initialed by all of the shareholders and signed on the last page
- Download formulaire M2 and complete it online and then print its three copies
- Obtain a copy of your taxe foncière bill
- Send the copy of the minute, attestation, a copy of the new statutes, and the form, and the copy of the bill, plus a cheque for €205.50 to the greffe of the tribunal de commerce of your department.
... and then wait for the corrected Kbis (the SCI’s registration document) to arrive from the court.
This said, Infogreffe does have online means of changing registered details of a business (see infogreffe.fr/societes/formalites-entreprise/modification-statut.html) to make use of it, however, you need an ‘electronic certificate’ – company identification on a USB key, costing €237.
If you need a minute to confirm the requirement for a bank account, an Extraor dinary General Meeting will need to vote the account, then this, signed by the president of the meeting, needs to be given to the bank. Finally if you want a copy of the statutes, these are available to buy in the lower half of the Infogreffe page as mentioned above.
Reader's query answered by Hugh MacDonald
If you have a money query send it to news@connexionfrance.com We select questions for answer every edition
- The information here is of a general nature. You should not act or refrain from acting on it without taking professional advice on the specific facts of your case.
- No liability is accepted in respect of this article. It is intended only as a general guide. Nothing herein constitutes actual financial advice.
- The Connexion welcomes queries and publishes a selection with answers every edition. However, please note that we cannot enter into correspondence on money topics. Queries may be edited for length and style. Due to the sensitive nature of topics we do not publish full names or addresses on these pages.