How do I check my French retirement funds?

Your contributions to the pension pot are counted in trimestres 

An old person looking at her computer and making notes
The information can be found online

Reader Question: I want to check my contributions towards a French pension. How do I do this?

The easiest way is to create an account at the site 

You will need your French social security number and you are asked to sign in with the FranceConnect service. 

This requires your log-ins from one of the following:,, the MSA, L’Identité Numérique la Poste, or the France Identité app. 

 Read more: What is the ‘FranceConnect’ button used for on websites?

If you live in France and have paid into a pension, you should already have, or be able to obtain, one of these. 

Once logged into your personal space at, click Estimer le montant de ma retraite to obtain the number of trimestres (quarters) you have paid in for, along with an estimate of your pension. 

If self-employed, you will be eligible both for a ‘basic’ part (retraite de base) and a complementary part. The latter is calculated according to the ‘points’ you have accumulated through social security payments.

Read more: Can I have French and UK pensions for same period?