What is process for building work near a site listed as historic monument in France?
The Architectes des Bâtiments de France must approve of external renovations within 500m of a listed site
Why do some French GPs charge more than others?
The price of a consultation is rising in December - but some already bill patients at €30 instead of €26.50
Neighbour’s chimney blows smoke into our French home: what can we do?
Chimney stacks must be a certain length from nearby rooftops
How long does planning permission last?
If you obtain planning permission to build a house, how long is it valid for? J.V.
Once you have obtained a permis de construire it is valid for three years from the date of being given formal permission (a law come in last year extending this from two). This also applies to the more informal déclaration préalable de travaux that is required for certain minor constructions, as well as certain other permissions like a permis à démolir (demolition permit), or permis d’aménager.
The duration may on request be extended twice by one year each time, however only if the rules applicable to your project have not changed in the meantime. In other cases the permission runs out after the three years.