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How self-employed can access training
Can you outline the training changes that begin in 2019 – I am an English teacher (self-employed) and hope to benefit from them?
As you are aware, micro-entrepreneurs pay a professional training contribution as well as a small levy towards the expenses of the chambers of commerce and trades.
Since January 2015, anyone who sets up as a self-employed artisan has been required to undertake a four or five-day business training course (stage de préalable à l’installation or SPI) organised by the Chambres de Métiers et de l’Artisanat.
Similar courses are available to those setting up commercial and industrial businesses, though these are optional.
But training available to the self-employed is not limited to this initial course – and any self-employed person can access continuing professional training of any kind whenever they want. For some – such as doctors or lawyers – it may be a legal requirement.
It is also possible to receive financial help with some or all of the costs of any training courses.
Training funds are administered by different groups, depending on the business you operate in. Log on to the website https://www.service-public.fr/professionnels-entreprises/vosdroits/F31148for a list of options.
To apply for financial help, submit a request to the appropriate body at least one month before the start of the training programme.
Be aware that only teaching costs, including distance learning, are reimbursed.
You cannot claim for meals, hotels and transport – and there is an annual training course ceiling of funding for every self-employed person.
Organisations such as chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of trades and crafts, business schools, universities and vocational training organisations offer short, medium and long-term training courses.
They may also be able to help with funding. Contact details can be found online.