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How to mention my husband in French tax form if he has no tax number?
Reader’s partner is currently still UK resident and is working there

Reader question: I arrived in France in December 2020, so completed a tax return for 2020 income last year. My issue is that my husband still works in the UK as a UK resident and will join me at some point. On the tax form, I had to say I was separated as he does not have a French tax number (even though we are still married). Was I right? J.C.
The French tend to work on a joint system, so the more correct way would be to confirm you are married and then only declare your income on the return.
In the ‘informations’ box if declaring on paper (or in a private message to your tax office, or by selecting to make a mention expresse, if declaring online), you should state that your husband is a permanent resident of the UK.
In this way you will benefit from the tax allowances of a couple, and the system will automatically allocate a tax reference number to your husband, though, since he is not resident in France, it will be of little use to him.
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