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Inform tax office of changes to personal situation

Most people will receive their avis d’imposition income tax statement in their online space on the tax website between July 24 and August 7.
This can be needed for tasks such as renting a flat, applying for benefits from the Caf, applying for a carte de séjour or obtaining a mortgage. It should indicate a tax credit exempting you from tax for regular incomes in 2018 to take account of the one-off change to tax-at-source (prélèvement à la source, PAS) this year.
However, you can still be taxed on “one-off” sums and investment incomes.
Your updated PAS rate (applicable as of September) should be shown and the avis should indicate if any refunds or extra payments are due, eg. if you received tax credit money for 2018 but your declaration showed that you did not have relevant expenses in that year.
Remember, if your personal circumstances have changed during the year (birth, marriage, Pacs etc), you need to inform the tax office so it can adjust your rate. Also, if money coming in changes significantly, you may request an adjustment via the online button: Gérer mon prélèvement à la source.
- n ALL income declarations should have been made online this year, with a few exceptions, such as for people who have no internet access at home – but the Finance Ministry says it will not yet impose fines for non-compliance.
The penalty is a €15 fine after a second offence. The obligation was phased in over several years, starting with higher earners.
Do non tax-payers get an avis?
You will receive a statement whether or not you owe tax. Rather than an avis d’imposition showing no tax payable you receive an Asdir (avis de situation déclarative à l’impôt sur le revenu).
This document is now generated immediately if you declare online and is available straightaway in your personal space.
For those who will have tax to pay, it is a provisional estimate of their tax in advance of receiving the actual avis. For those without tax to pay, it replaces the avis. People who declare by paper receive one in the post in late summer.