Does working on a bank holiday in France impact pay?
The company, sector, and collective staff agreements can all affect workers’ entitlement
Heated French budget examination to resume next week
It comes after MPs adjourned after six days of debate at the weekend
Mystery lottery winner of €1m in French Alps has until Friday to claim
The winner has still not come forward, almost two months after their win
Insurance cover is key for new Nickel card
Insurance is one of the key attractions of the new Nickel Chrome premium bank card just launched by Compte Nickel, the ‘simple account’ that is opened and run through tabac tobacconists
Aimed at people who travel regularly and want a low-cost card, it gives travel, winter sports, death, online shopping and personal effects cover as well as free payment for services. It costs €30 a year on top of the €20 Compte Nickel charge.