VPN providers may leave France under pressure from Canal+
The broadcaster is demanding courts order Virtual Private Networks to block access to illegal streams
‘Brain stethoscope’ helps diagnose neurological conditions in France
Goggles developed by French inventors can recognise early stages of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
French firm makes first ‘fibre-to-fibre’ recycled polyester T-shirt
Advance means that tonnes of clothes normally thrown away could be re-used
Is home in France eligible for fibre-optic internet?
How can I find out if I can get fibre-optic internet in my area? D.U.

The telecoms watchdog Arcep has set up a map where you can check this, at tinyurl.com/yg45fh4g.
It allows you to zoom in to see if connection to “superfast” fibre-optic broadband is possible yet.
A colour scheme shows generally how many properties are connectable in your area, but at the large scale you can even see your building.
There are alternative ways of viewing the map, which you can choose by clicking in the bottom right.
Send your queries about life in France by email to news@connexionfrance.com