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Reader question: Is it possible to receive financial assistance to install a stairlift in my house in France?
Stairlifts are a useful tool in homes for both elderly and disabled people but the cost of installation can be a barrier.
The cost of a stairlift (monte-escalier) can range between €3,000 and €10,000 depending on its make and usage with a stairlift that turns a corner or is used outside being considerably more expensive.
Due to the increasing age of the population in France, a growth in the number of people using mobility aids at home is all but assured and there are a number of aids available to those who want to remain living in their property into older age.
Aside from the general and regular assistance, there are specific one-off aids to help with installation of mobility aids (these are almost all restricted to main homes).
The specific aid available for stairlifts is as follows:
A TVA (VAT) reduction to 5.5% on all stairlifts, providing your home is at least two years old
Tax credits up to a rate of 25% of expenditure to a limit of €5,000 for a single person and €10,000 for a couple. These credits are only available for people who pay tax in France and can show valid proof of their condition (via a mobility-inclusion card, proof of disability, APA recipient etc)
Grants from the Habiter Facile scheme, run by the Agence Nationale de l’Habitat (Anah). These grants can pay up to 50% of the cost (excluding TVA) of installation up to €10,000 for people on low incomes and up to 35% of the cost up to €7,000 for those on modest incomes
APA (allocation personnalisée d’autonomie) allowances can be used to finance a stairlift
Local grants or special disability grants (you should research what is available in your area)
You can check your availability for both the tax credits and Habiter Facile grants online via the Anah website. You will need your numéro fiscal and reference d’avis and your home must be more than 15 years old for you to be eligible for a grant.
Second-home owners can only benefit from the reduced VAT.
For those under the age of 60 who suffer from a disability, grants may be available for stairlift installation via the Caf (Caisse d'Allocations Familiales) and you can ask at your mairie to check if this is available.
Read more: France launches plan to protect elderly from dangerous falls
Changes to the system on the way
If you are an older person and are not planning to carry out the work immediately, do note that in 2024 government aid schemes for accessibility are changing.
Various former grants and systems will combine and fall under a singular MaPrimeAdapt’ scheme, managed by the Anah.
This new scheme is inspired by the MaPrimeRenov’, which is targeted at ecological renovations for housing, but precise details have not yet been released.
Aid under the MaPrimeRenov’ scheme is only available for main homes so it is likely that the same rules will apply.
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