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Must I prove I am over 75 to get Covid vaccine in France?
Some readers have reported waits of up to two months to get a vaccination appointment

Over 75s and those at high risk should be the first to be vaccinated for Covid-19 but what checks are being done on this as I have heard of many people booking slots despite not being in those categories and thus taking the places of those who are prioritised?
When you sign up for an appointment for a vaccination online it is made very clear who is eligible and though no proof of age is required to make the rendez-vous, you have to confirm that you are over 75 or in a high risk category.
If you are younger, but have one of the conditions that puts you at high risk, such as a kidney complaint which requires dialysis, you will have to get a prescription from your doctor to prove your eligibility when you turn up to the vaccination centre.
Which high-risk people can now be vaccinated in France?
One reader told us that he signed up on behalf of his mother who is in her eighties using the online service Doctolib and had to click to agree that the person being vaccinated was 75+ or in one of the special categories. He said it was quite clear that you are accepting you have the right to make the appointment.
France’s public rollout of the vaccine began on January 18, beginning with people over 75 not resident in care homes and those with high-risk conditions.
Some readers have reported issues with booking appointments at one of the 833 vaccination centres as some are fully booked for up to two months.
Covid France: Vaccination wait times reach up to 2 months
Others have experienced issues with online booking platforms.
The platforms, including private sites Doctolib.fr, Maiia and Keldoc and government information site sante.fr, have been running slowly due to a saturation of users.
Impossible de se connecter pour inscrire ma mère sur https://t.co/Jo2YZyBkJj : le site est totalement saturé, @gouvernementFr n'a pas prévu les moyens informatiques suffisant. #vaccinationCovid pic.twitter.com/9SZDdXdE57
— Gilles (@GillesSoubrier) January 14, 2021
Health Minister Olivier Véran has said that a waiting list system will be set up before the end of this week.
This will mean that anyone who phones for an appointment will have their details taken and be put on a list so that they do not need to keep phoning for appointments.
"I have asked my teams that when you are in telephone contact with a centre or when you go on the website and you don't find an available slot, we register your details and that we call you back when slots are available for vaccination,” Mr Véran told radio network France Inter on Tuesday (January 19).
Read more:
Covid-19 France: Where can I book a vaccine appointment?
I have had Covid-19. Can I still get vaccine in France?