Il est or c’est: how to remember when to use the right expression in French
Some key grammar rules can help with this sometimes-tricky French phrase
Many cigarette prices expected to fall in France this March
The reduction in prices comes after several months of increases
Nine idiomatic French expressions about your health
There are plenty of French phrases to describe your illness whatever it is
MYTHBUSTER: French people smoke as heavily as ever
The French are often portrayed as heavy smokers and packets of Gauloises – strong, unfiltered cigarettes – are said to be dirt cheap here. This is false!

The country banned smoking in public places in 2006, but some still consider it a smoky destination, thanks to businesses often side-stepping regulations via indoor fumoirs and restaurant smoking terraces.
However, since the 1950s smoking has dropped considerably, though with a difference in men and women.
In the 1950s, more than 70% of men smoked regularly but only about 18% of women.
By 2000, this had dropped to about 36% of men but women had risen to a little over 20% after a dip to 10% in the 1960s.
Combined figures for French adults aged 18-75 show marked drops in recent years linked to efforts by health ministers, including a drop in regular smokers of one million in a single year from 2016 to 2017 (from 29.4% to 26.9%).
This was partly linked to higher reimbursements for nicotine substitutes.
The one-year drop was most marked among men aged 18-24, though young men are still those most likely to smoke.
Now the government has pledged to push rates below 22% by 2022. Following an EU law, cigarettes have been sold in plain packs, with off-putting imagery on them, since the start of 2017.
In the same year, France introduced plans to raise the price of a pack to €10 by 2020, among the highest on the continent.
Mois sans Tabac, which each November encourages people to give up for a month has helped.
There are regional differences and people are least likely to smoke in Ile-de-France but most likely in Hauts-de-France, Grand Est, Occitanie and Paca.