New and upcoming changes in France in October 2024

Major carrier leaves Bordeaux airport, property taxes are due and some pensions and benefits rise

Three-way split image of a land rover in paris, bordeaux airport and a french property tax bill
Cost of parking triples for SUVs in Paris, property taxes due and Ryanair pulls out of Bordeaux

A host of new changes will come into force over the next month in France. 

The Connexion has already covered a list of recently announced changes, or those that already happened in the previous month. 

Read more: 14 recent and upcoming changes you may have missed in France

Below, we look at the changes happening in October 

Ryanair pulls out of Bordeaux

Low-cost carrier Ryanair will stop all flights to and from Bordeaux-Mérignac airport by the end of October, over a row about basing fees.

It means the end of more than 40 flight routes from the city.

Read more: UK-France flights hit as Ryanair announces it is leaving Bordeaux airport

Housing benefit hike 

Housing benefits (aide personnalisée au logement, APL) will increase by an average of 3.26% to keep in line with rising rental costs. 

The changes will be automatically applied for those already receiving the benefit. 

Pension increase 

Around 850,000 French pensions will see their monthly rate go up by around €50 due to new calculations. 

It will mainly affect those on lower pension amounts. 

The amounts will apply from the first pensions paid in October, from October 9 onwards, but some people will also receive back-payments of up to €600.

Read more: 850,000 retirees in France will see their pension increase from October

Property tax payments 

Homeowners required to pay taxe foncière (France’s main property tax) in one single instalment have until October 15 to do so, if paying via cash, cheque or at a tabac. 

If you are paying directly via your personal space on the French tax website or the impots.gouv app, you have until October 20. 

Those who opt to split the tax into 10 monthly payments will begin paying in January 2025 – however the deadline to do this for this year’s tax has passed.

Read more: LIST: Key dates in 2024 for France’s property owner’s tax

Fight against bank advisor scams 

New technology will be deployed from October 1, making it more difficult for scammers to pose as bank advisors. 

Calls from landlines will need to go through a new authentication process. 

It is hoped the implementation of this new rule will see the number of scam calls drop.

Read more: France to crack down on false landline numbers in bid to halt scammers

Benchmark gas price hike 

The benchmark gas price will increase by 5.36% compared to September, which may cause bills to increase.

Whilst gas contracts in France are no longer regulated, the Commission de régulation de l’énergie (CRE) publishes a monthly benchmark price you can compare your bill’s tariffs against. 

The increase comes on top of the 11.7% surge in price in July 2024. 

Paris SUV parking increase…

The cost for visitors to park an SUV-style vehicle in Paris will roughly triple from October 1, depending on the arrondissement the car is parked in. 

Residents voted for the increase in a public referendum earlier this year.

Some drivers, such as disabled badge holders and healthcare professionals, as well as residents parking in their usual spot, are exempt. 

Read more: Parisians vote to triple parking fees for visitors in SUVs

… But will new speed limit come into force? 

Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo plans to reduce the speed limit on the capital’s ring-road (périphérique) to 50km/h, down from 70km/h. 

She wants to implement the change by October 1, however it faces criticism from many, including local authorities and the new transport minister, all of which are looking to delay or cancel the change. 

It is currently unknown whether the new limit will be implemented on October 1. 

Read more: Paris ring road: region to oppose October speed cut to 50 km/h

The clocks go back

The switch to winter time happens at the end of the month on Sunday October  27 2024. At 03:00, it will be 02:00.