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New property form: How do I get a password for the French tax site?
There are solutions for both residents and non-residents if you are experiencing problems accessing the site

Reader question: I do not have any details to log onto the tax site, how do I get this information?
The French tax authorities ask that the declaration be completed online at impots.gouv.fr though if you cannot do this, they request that you get in touch by phone (see below).
To log onto the French tax site, most people use their numéro fiscal (tax number) alongside a password.
If you have previously used the site, notably to make an income declaration, then you should already have this information available to you.
If you have never used the site before, you will need to create a personal online space.
There are differences for residents and non-residents in how to do this and we cover the rules for both below.
Where can I find my numéro fiscal?
Anyone who has declared their income, or paid any form of local property tax, such as taxe foncière or taxe d’habitation in France, will have a numéro fiscal.
This means second-home owners will also have a French tax number, provided they have paid local taxes in France at least once.
It can be found at the top of the tax documents sent to you in the post.
If for some reason you do not have a tax number you should contact your tax office or, for non-residents, the tax office of the area where your property is situated.
Read more: How do I get a numéro fiscal to access the French tax site?
What if I have a tax number but no password?
If you have a password and have forgotten it, it is possible to reset it online, by clicking the Vous avez oublié votre mot de passe button, then the Vous pouvez renouveler votre mot de passe en quelques clics and following the instructions.
If you do not have a password, because you have never set up an account, for example, but have previously declared income in France, you can create your account using the numéro d’accès d’en ligne and revenu fiscal de référence numbers.
The former is on the prefilled income tax form sent out to you and the latter will be on tax documents such as previous avis d’impôt statements for income or local property tax.
Read more: France property declaration: How can I find login information?
If you are a non-resident or second-home owner who has never declared income to France (as you have not had any French-sourced income), you may not have these numbers available and should apply for a personal space using the form at this link.
Alternatively, you can enter the tax space using FranceConnect and log-in details from another provider (such as La Poste’s Identité Numérique or your log-ins for an ameli.fr account) if you are a French resident.
After clicking on the votre espace particulier button at the tax website, under the section to enter your numéro fiscal you will see a button that says s’identifier avec FranceConnect.
If you are not able to access FranceConnect in any other way, then the YRIS mobile phone application should provide a solution, as long as you are resident in France.
If all fails and you cannot log into a personal space and the deadline of June 30 is approaching, then contact the tax services by phone. In France, you can do this on 0809 401 401; alternatively call your local tax office (or, if non-resident, the tax office for the place where the property is situated).
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