Paris joins Marseille in banning key boxes in bid to stop illegal tourist lets
‘Public space cannot be privatised,’ says the mayor of Paris Centre, in a new rental crackdown
‘Check your rent is not too high’: Mixed reaction to new Paris poster
The campaign contributes to the ‘clichéd, outdated caricature of the chubby, arrogant landlord’, one property specialist says
Key safes targeted in latest anti-Airbnb measure in Marseille
The mairie has said it will remove all lock boxes if hosts do not take them down in time
Paris holiday rental landlords must register property
Flat owners in Paris who let their homes for short-term rentals through internet sites such as Airbnb must register with the mairie before December 1 to get a registration number to be shown on each advert.
An online registraton will open on October 1 to speed up registration and owners who rent for more than 120 days or those without the number will see their adverts withdrawn or refused.