Is taxe d’habitation required for flats let in French farmhouse?
Taxes due depend on the status of the property
Millions to receive payment from French tax service today
It relates to tax credits for certain expenses in the 2024 year
State can reimburse 50% cost of a personal trainer in France: How it works
There are strict criteria to meet to ensure you can receive this
Payouts of up to €1m given for informing French tax office of frauds
The scheme began in 2020 and has led to €110m in penalties and extra tax being recovered
Do you suspect someone of massively defrauding the tax office? You could obtain a pay-out that can theoretically be as much as €1million if you act as an aviseur – informant.
However, the behaviour concerned must amount to a tax fraud of at least €100,000.
This was brought in as a two-year experiment in the 2020 Finance Law, and it was extended again for this year.
Taxes such as income tax or IFI property wealth tax can be involved, as well as, for example, impôt sur les sociétés.
Read more:Explained: France’s property wealth tax is not as scary as you think
Read more:How to work out if you owe French property wealth tax in 2022
Read more:Dates set for declaring French property wealth tax this year
So far, around €1.8million has been paid out and €110million in penalties and extra tax have been recovered.
Informants are promised their anonymity will be maintained.
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