New notaire data suggests easing of Paris property crisis
Property experts have talked of ‘easing pressure’ and ‘breathing space’ after a four-year slump
How to value a property for France's wealth tax
Here is how to check if you have to pay the impôt sur la fortune immobilière (IFI) – and how much it will be
New rules lower aid for home solar panels in France
Installation bonuses have also been cut as government looks to promote ‘self-consumption’ of power
Trêve is lost for squatters in France
Squatters no longer have the protection of the winter truce on evictions.

The Elan law contains an amendment that specifically excludes them from the trêve hivernale, which stops landlords evicting tenants who are behind with their rent between November 1 and March 31.
Previously, although they were not directly protected, the trêve was often invoked in an attempt to prevent landlords evicting squatters.