Electricity bills in France: move to change peak / off-peak hours system
The aim is to make better use of renewable energy sources
France’s Competition Authority urges end of regulated electricity prices
It said it would encourage more competition in the sector
When is ‘chauffage collectif’ (communal heating) switched on in France?
Around one in five people have a communal heating system
Turned down for cheap insulation offer in France
I visited a website offering ‘insulation for €1’ but they said I am not eligible because my department is not in ‘Zone H1’. This is not fair. M.C.
There are a number of firms offering such deals.
We emailed the one you tried to ask for clarification and also asked official energy efficiency agency Ademe. We did not hear back from the firm, however an Ademe spokeswoman said such schemes are commercial offers, not part of an official state programme.
She said they usually make use of the Certificat d’Economie d’Energie (CEE) scheme, by which certain kinds of renovation, making homes more energy-efficient, are eligible for money from energy companies, called prime énergie. Location can be a factor in eligibility for this, she said, as well as physical factors of the building and the situation of the family (eg. household income).
She added that Ademe advises caution when considering offers, as insulation should not be rushed into: “Well-installed insulation adds to your comfort and energy savings, but poorly-installed insulation will not be effective and can even harm the building or the air quality inside.
“Seek advice from a PRIS advisor to understand the commercial offer and the most useful work with regard to the building.” You can book a free appointment with one of these official energy savings advisors at tinyurl.com/y798tjya