What are the rules for installing an electric fence on French property?
Electric fences are not solely for agricultural purposes
Agricultural fences must have different voltages depending on the animals kept inside enclosures
l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstock
Reader Question: I am sick of wild boars running onto my land during hunting season. I want to install an electric fence but am not sure if this is allowed as I do not have a farm with animals.
Firstly, you should note that to install an electric fence you have to comply with the general rules of a fence installation, which are the same for all types of boundaries except in specific circumstances such as certain woodland zones where owners must let some species of animal pass through.
All property owners in France have the right to install a hedge, fence, or wall.
However, a ‘prior declaration’ to the mairie is required in certain areas where this is stipulated in the local development plan (PLU), as well as near to historic monuments and in conservation areas.
Read more: What are the rules on building a fence at French property?
Rules will also be different if the fence will be along a shared boundary.
Read more: Can I build on shared wall between neighbour’s and my French property?
Electric fences require declaration
While electric fences are more commonly used by farmers, there are no rules preventing others in rural areas installing them.
The installation of electric fences does however need to be declared to the mairie via a déclaration préalable de travaux.
It is recommended to contact your local mairie prior to submitting the declaration to check if any additional rules apply.
In general, two decrees – one from 1996 and one from 2014 – lay out the rules for electric fences in France, but are largely based on what suppliers of electric fences must do to put their products onto the market.
A certain manufacturing standard, NF EN 60335-2-76, is also applicable.
There are no rules against installing an electric fence yourself, but it can be a demanding task, and you must pick the best wire, voltage, etc for the circumstances.
Home goods and DIY stores ManoMano has a good explainer article on how to install an electric fence, including practical information on the wire configurations you need to keep out (or in) certain animals.
In the case of wild boar, having two or three wires in the fence at a height of 20cm/45cm/70cm is the best option
The government also has a practical guide on installing electric fences here.
You do not need an official representative to confirm your fence has been electrified correctly, as you do for solar panels.
The main rule you must consider as the owner of an electric fence is that they must be clearly signed every 50 metres to inform passersby, with signs being at least 10cm x 20cm and having the words ‘Clôture électrique’ written on them.