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What carte de séjour is available under five years?
Is there is a kind of carte de séjour that one can obtain before five year’s residence? I have been a resident for less than a year. K.S.

Yes, it is called a ‘carte de séjour UE’, and it can be issued to any EU citizen who has made France their permanent home.
There is no specific length of time required but you do need to provide documents showing you are established in France, for example evidence of having a home in the country (as well as healthcare cover, a job or other income etc). Usually you would have lived in France for at least three months to establish a notion of residence.
The carte de séjour UE is evidence of being legally established in France but does not, however, show an acquired right of ‘permanent’ residence, as does the ‘séjour permanent’ one which is a legal right (on request) to EU citizens after five years.