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What effect does Brexit have on UK/French inheritance laws?
Every other day, we share a reader question from our help guide, Inheritance Law and Wills in France. Today's question is about Brexit's effect on inheritance laws in France and the UK.
As Brexit is now a fact, how might this impact the ability to put a statement in your will to say that you want to adopt the inheritance laws of your country of nationality (in my case the UK)?
Lawyers confirm that the UK coming out of the EU has no effect on inheritance laws. In fact, the UK decided not to ratify the EU inheritance regulation yet despite this it is still possible for Britons to take advantage of it, both those who live in France and those who live in the UK and want UK law to apply to their French property.
This results from wording in the regulation itself and the way it is being interpreted in France. It also means that people from non-EU countries like America or Russia can benefit from the regulation if they so wish and the same applies to Britons regardless of Brexit.
Find out all the information you need to create a will in France and more with our Inheritance Law and Wills in France 2020 help guide
This 64-page help guide by The Connexion details all the information you need to know about inheritance law and wills in France. It looks at how to create a British will in France, explains succession laws, procedures on a death, creating a will as a couple, leaving funds to family and pets, and so much more. Click here to find out more.