Driving licences: New rules on medicals, UK exchanges and renewals in France
Planned EU legislation seeks to modernise documentation and improve road safety
Graph: See how French road fatality figures compare to previous years
195 deaths were recorded in February 2025
List: What you must carry in your car in France in 2025
French law stipulates equipment and vehicle standards that drivers must abide by year-round
Where are unmarked camera cars in use?
I read that there are private, unmarked cars with onboard speed radars in use in France. Where are they in use and are there warning signs? Will you know if you are ‘flashed’? D.T.

For the time being they are only operating in Eure, Normandy; although they are set to be rolled out nationwide next year.
The drivers work for private companies and can only operate in designated stretches of road, usually in areas with a history of accidents.
However, the government says that from time to time they will also operate along popular main traffic routes in a bid to encourage people generally to drive more prudently.
The cars will be on the roads for a least six hours a day, compared to the average of 1hr 15mins currently for police-driven vehicles. They will be obliged to drive near to the maximum permitted speed and should not go slowly to try to ‘catch’ people speeding to overtake them.
You will only know you have been flashed when you receive a fine notice in the post and there will be no warning signs saying they are operating in a given area.
There will be a 10kph leeway for speeds so drivers slightly exceeding the limit should not be concerned.