Sponsorships with The Connexion

The Connexion in numbers

  • 500,000 - unique online visitors per month 
  • 50,000 - print readers per month
  • 300,000 – Guide page views in 2024
  • 30,000 - paying subscribers
  • 2 million – page views per month 
  • 105,000+ – newsletter readers
  • 23 - years in business

We have a number of specific interest sections and pages that are now available for sponsorship on our website, which attracts over 500,000 unique visitors who view over 2 million pages every month.

Our sponsorship packages include exclusive sponsorship of a section of Connexionfrance.com or in our monthly print newspaper.

Having an exclusive position on our web or print pages gives our sponsors the ability to build brand awareness, which coupled with its lead generation potential too makes sponsorship a unique and exciting opportunity.

Sponsorship is a long-term relationship focused on forging strong brand loyalty.

Pages available for sponsorship

Guides to life in France

Our core Guides are hugely popular, seeing over 325,000 page views in the last 12 months alone.

Each guide is produced annually and updated through the year. Opportunities include solus Guide sponsorship, chapter and section sponsorship and in page adverts. 

Sponsorship is available from €500 HT.