City in south-west France takes property owner to court for €100,000 The case is the latest move by authorities in France against short-term rental landlords
Paris joins Marseille in banning key boxes in bid to stop illegal tourist lets ‘Public space cannot be privatised,’ says the mayor of Paris Centre, in a new rental crackdown
Key safes targeted in latest anti-Airbnb measure in Marseille The mairie has said it will remove all lock boxes if hosts do not take them down in time
news How a dispute over a stain at an Airbnb went viral on social media in France Shower gel mark in drawer led to €290 bill for student... and got 22 million views
Marseille looks to be latest French city to crackdown on Airbnb rentals Mayor of the city also plans to ‘wage war on slum landlords’, and improve social housing
Is DPE energy certificate needed for property used for Airbnb rentals? Proposed rules may impact properties whatever the platform used to rent them
New bin law, keyboxes, vacant homes: French property updates Our pick of property stories about France that you may have missed
Paris joins Nice, Lille and other cities crackdown on ‘key boxes’ If a vote against the boxes goes ahead, owners risk them being removed next month
Can I use Airbnb as proof of residence for official French procedures? Many formalities in France call for a ‘justificatif de domicile’
South of France tourist town to strictly limit short-term lets Villefranche-sur-Mer near Nice has more homes used for holiday lets than main year-round residencies
Confusion over French holiday lets after tax rules tightened in error Amendment lowering tax reductions for short-term lets was not removed from 2024 budget law which was forced through parliament
MPs propose further crackdown on short-term rentals on France Changes to taxation, and more power for local authorities to regulate lets, are part of bill being debated in parliament
How Paris plans to crackdown on second homes and empty properties The 8th arrondissement has the most unoccupied buildings, with a rate of 36%
Can I let out my home on AirBnb during Paris Olympics? The idea is popular amongst homeowners in the capital… but may involve lots of paperwork and hassle Proposal to pause capital gains tax on second homes in France Airbnb rip-offs, tax cut to be scrapped?: 5 French property updates Mortgage woe, Paris fines, church change: 5 French property updates
Holidaymakers in France discover hidden camera in Airbnb bathroom The woman took the camera to the local police station and an inquiry has been opened French property updates: Brit’s second home ‘hell’, Airbnb ban mooted Brittany second home ‘ban’, gutter dispute: 5 French property updates Airbnb owners in France ditch site for new ‘no day limit’ platforms New housing market blow, key box crackdown: 5 French property updates Tax rise dismay, inheritance change: 5 French property updates
Tradespeople shortages, buy an island: 6 French property stories We also look at the auction of a €12m former royal home on the French Riviera, controversial property tax hikes and a ban on tourist homes in Paris
Second home in Brittany sprayed with nationalist graffiti The region has the fourth-highest proportion of second homes in France
Ending tax breaks for French gites could ease housing crisis A recent report recommends tightening tax breaks for short-term rentals in France, but the holiday let industry claims the real problem is a lack of new homes being built
Tax Airbnb rentals more, demand French MPs A cross-party group of French MPs claim short-term rentals are fuelling a housing crisis in parts of France
False energy audit, shrinking Paris flats and priciest French streets Our weekly round-up of property news in France
Cut tax perks for short-term tourism rentals, French government told A new report recommends making it less financially attractive for property owners to pursue short-term tourism rentals
Noisy deliveries, JFK’s holiday home and the dangers of subletting Our weekly round-up of property-related news in France
Pool building ban, landlords lose Pau appeal and other property news We also look at a Dordogne castle for sale with a grisly backstory, how Macron’s pension reforms will impact mortgages and more
Where is the best place to buy a second home in France? Our property news wrap also looks at a neighbour dispute over a right of way, liability for latent defects when selling a property and MaPrimeRénov' bugs
Anti-Airbnb bill, drought damage: Five French property updates We also look at what is stopping people from making their homes more energy efficient, why the idea of a Covid ‘exodus’ from cities to the countryside is false and more
Drought damage, septic tank dispute: Five French property updates We also look at a free online tool to estimate your home’s energy efficiency, a unique chance to sleep at the Paris opera and more
Airbnb trends, taxe foncière increases: Five French property updates We also look at what three recent court cases mean for buying a house en viager, giving someone usufruit of your property and getting rid of tenants
Tourism tax: €148m paid to French communes from Airbnb stays in 2022 A significant part of the taxe de séjour income goes to Paris but almost 30% of the total collected is paid to rural communes with fewer than 3,500 residents
Airbnb found liable for illegal sublet of Paris home The holiday rental platform should have checked if the tenant was allowed to sublet, the Court of Appeal ruled
Natural hazards, Airbnb in court, right of way: French property update We also look at a TV chateau for sale for €821,500, and recourse for malfunctioning wired internet in new houses
Energy efficiency rules could put French ski resorts at risk France is considering extending a ban on renting out poorly-insulated properties to include short-term holiday rentals
Tourist reports hidden cameras near shower in her Airbnb in France A second camera was positioned so as to see one of the beds
Developer bans Airbnb-style rentals in new French homes The property developer hopes the move will ensure year-round accommodation for residents
Extra boiler aid, drought damage claims: Five French property updates We also explain why advertising a home yourself if you have an exclusive estate agent contract could cost you dear, a tougher new squatting law and more Airbnb backlash
Airbnb host and company fined €189,000 for illegal rental in Paris Both were found to have rented out an apartment without having the correct licence to go beyond the standard 120-day-per-year limit
Eco-renovations, Airbnb: Five updates for property owners in France We also look at how mortgages are becoming longer and harder to obtain, many Ile-de-France properties risk being banned from rental market and more
Airbnb launches €1million eco-friendly plan for hosts in France The funds are to help hosts make sustainable renovations to their rentals. The plan has been dubbed ‘win-win’ by the French government
Édith Piaf’s house for sale, 2023 prices: Four French property updates We also look at the evolution of property sales in the past 20 years, an anti-Airbnb breakthrough in south-west France and rules on outdoor showers
Air-con restrictions? Tax foncière rates: Five French property updates We also look at a four-year legal battle over a BBQ, delays to energy audit obligations and a landmark court ruling against a Parisian estate agency
The French tourist cities taking a stand against Airbnb-style lets Second homes are also in the firing line for some, with residents increasingly complaining about empty properties and difficulties in finding affordable local accommodation
Airbnb and tax, €1 house: Four updates for property owners in France In our weekly roundup we also look at one surprisingly common reason people are refused mortgages in France even if they have right income levels
How do we declare letting income on our French second home? If your home is used for holiday lets, the way in which you declare the income and pay tax varies depending on your revenues
Why woman could break 120-day Airbnb legal rental limit for Paris home Law states that this is the maximum time that someone can use their main home as a holiday let - but there are exceptions
French Statue of Liberty to be restored with aid from US firm Airbnb We look at the story behind the dozens of ‘Liberty’ statues in France and their creator
Second homes in France: Where is most popular? The Haute-Alpes has the highest percentage of French-owned second homes, with the Var the most popular department in absolute terms - but Paris most impacted by “the Airbnb effect”, figures show.
Airbnb pledges millions to save rural heritage in France Funds will be allocated to preserve architectural treasures in France, promote this rural heritage, and create new opportunities for businesses
Plane, cave or lighthouse: quirky places to stay near water in France Unique accommodation near lakes, rivers and the sea is proving popular with French travellers this autumn. The Connexion has picked ten options still available...
Autumn demand high for gîtes, Airbnb’s and overseas trips from France Domestic and international travel is back on the agenda for many in France with rural locations and short-haul flights popular for half-term and November bank holiday breaks
Family transform 13th century French chapel into quirky holiday rental Artist has spent seven years renovating Chapelle Saint-Jean in the Eure-et-Loir - you won’t get wifi, but there will be some very special stained glass
Var knocks Paris off top spot for summer Airbnb rentals Figures show countryside rentals are becoming more popular in France since the health crisis
Paris citizens group gives ideas to keep Airbnb lets low post Covid The Covid-19 pandemic has created a drop in short-term rentals in the capital, while long-term rentals have surged by 185% in the past year
Airbnb, Vinted: Do online earnings need to be declared for French tax? It depends on the nature and amount of the income - and the tax office will be directly informed of larger sums. We explain more
Paris Airbnb landlords forced to sell in Covid tourism slump Landlords who can no longer afford to maintain properties are selling them, as rental revenues have fallen by up to 70%
€15,000 fine for Paris Airbnb landlord upheld by court Courts have ruled against property owners’ right to rent out second homes in cities in France without informing local authorities. More fines for other rule-breakers are expected
Airbnb hosts in Nice welcome court reversal of mayor’s ban The city’s mayor had ordered holiday rentals to close during the winter break, angering hosts who called the decision “discriminatory” due to hotels still remaining open
Airbnb rules in Paris upheld by European Court of Justice The European Court of Justice has found in favour of French regulations that require landlords to obtain approval from the Mairie before listing their properties on rental sites such as Airbnb.
Renting out property in France via sites like Airbnb I have heard that more checks are to be carried out on people renting out property via sites like Airbnb. Can you explain? H.S.
Paris mayor warns Olympics of Airbnb sponsor ‘risks’ The mayor of Paris has warned the International Olympic Committee (IOC) of the “risks” of short-term rental firm Airbnb, after the company was announced as a new sponsor of the Olympics Games.
French Mairies can soon request Airbnb property list French Mairies in local towns and cities will soon be able to request a list of all properties listed on online rental websites - such as Airbnb - in new rules designed to monitor the practice.
Airbnb offers ‘night with Mona Lisa’ at Paris Louvre Property sharing company Airbnb has worked with the Louvre museum in Paris to offer “a night with the Mona Lisa” competition, as part of the 30 year celebrations of the museum’s famous pyramid.
French villages and Airbnb work to boost rural tourism Some 17,000 smaller communes in France 'had at least one property advertised on rental website last year'
Tenant owes landlord €46k in ‘Airbnb rent’ A tenant who sublet her Paris property on rentals website Airbnb without proper consent has been ordered to pay her landlord all the money she received in illegal rents.
Sites will have to pass earning details to fisc A new law has been drafted with the aim of ensuring that people trading goods and services on websites cannot avoid paying tax on income from them.
Tenant who sublet flat must repay €27,000 The tenant of a flat overlooking Notre Dame Cathedral in the centre of Paris has been told to repay the owner €27,000 he received from Airbnb bookings as he had sublet it without the landlord’s permission.
Gîtes groups link up to challenge Airbnb France's top holiday home providers, Gîtes de France and Clévacances, have announced plans to work together to promote ‘quality’ accommodation in a challenge to Airbnb.
Airbnb and Century 21 sign sublet agreement in Paris Homeowners and renters in Paris and beyond look set to profit from a new subletting partnership trial signed between home-sharing website Airbnb and estate agent Century 21.
Lighthouse home with pool and sauna on sale for €1.5m An old Breton lighthouse that has been completely renovated into a six-person studio and home, complete with pool and sauna, is on sale for €1.56 million.
What changes in France this month Cost of cigarettes rises, gas prices fall, new phone number-blocking system comes into force, Crit'Air stickers cost less, and there are rule changes for AirBnB properties in Bordeaux
Airbnb handed over €13.5m tourist tax in 2017 Short-term lettings website says it has almost doubled the amount of tax it hands over in tax on behalf of its letters in 12 months
Flights, gas & better air: Changes to come in December The first flight of a brand-new low-cost airline, rising gas prices, and measures to reduce air pollution in Annecy and Toulouse are just some of the events you can expect this December.
Paris holiday rental landlords must register property Flat owners in Paris who let their homes for short-term rentals through internet sites such as Airbnb must register with the mairie before December 1 to get a registration number to be shown on each advert.
Fines soar for Paris Airbnb rental landlords Fines for illegally renting through avenues such as Airbnb are growing