Crackdown law on nuisance cold calls in France backed by MPs The law was passed unanimously, but there is still some disagreement over proposed exemptions
Latest property energy efficiency rules as parliament rejects bill Landlords now have to follow the climate law rules without exception
Macron impeachment proposal rejected by French parliament The proposal which accused the president of ‘breaching his responsibilities’ has still been hailed as ‘historic’ by left-wing MPs
news French MPs to debate ‘discrimination based on hair colour and style’ France is lagging behind North America on the issue, says MP
Flurry of new MP bids to ease visits to second homes in France New bill amendments either call to bring back Senator Martine Berthet's 'automatic visa' idea or a version of it proposed by MP Alexandre Holroyd
President Macron faces battle over immigration crackdown in France Right-wing politicians call for tougher measures, including making overstaying a visa a crime, as parliament prepares to debate bill
Can you visit the French parliament and listen to a debate? The palais Bourbon building is no longer closed off to the public, but advance planning is needed to see inside
‘French society is built around the economy not the right to dignity’ We speak to Sébastien Peytavie, a rugby player, psychologist, and the first MP to use a wheelchair at the Assemblée nationale in the Fifth Republic
‘Pension age rise in France is unnecessary and will worsen inequality’ An economist tells us why he thinks President Macron really wants to increase the retirement age – it benefits business not pensioners
Majority of French MPs expected to back anti-bullfighting bill The Assemblée nationale will study its first ever anti-corrida bill on November 24. The Connexion looks at how likely it is to be adopted
Log purchases, wood pellets: what help is France proposing for homes? A new €230million support package has just been passed by France’s Assemblée nationale
Energy cheque, food: French Parliament passes extra inflation measures The new bill also includes extra funds for wood fuel for homes and eco-friendly house renovations. It is now set to be examined by the Senate
The French grammar conundrum behind MP’s ‘go back to Africa’ scandal A parliamentary session was suspended over the remark but it is not exactly clear what was said. We look at why French grammar is confusing the issue
French MP faces suspension over ‘racist’ comment in Parliament Grégoire de Fournas appeared to tell a black MP to ‘go back to Africa’, but insists he was talking about people arriving in Europe on small boats ‘The young feel they’ve been voting for politicians who don’t change’ No confidence motions in government not passed by French Parliament What’s coming up this week ahead in France (October 24)?
No confidence motion after French government forces through new budget Article 49.3 was triggered ending the need for an MP vote on the subject. Minister defends budget by referring to financial risks caused by policies in the UK ‘This is the calm before a stormy winter in French politics’ Inflation, climate, pensions: a tough ‘rentrée’ for French government ‘President Macron, use the summer to plan France’s global future’ French MPs argue over what is appropriate parliamentary dress code Spending power, judges, Jean Castex: This week in French politics
Spending power and how to finance it: This week in French politics The prospect of energy restraints and the inclusion of Finland and Sweden in NATO will also be discussed
Chacun voit midi à sa porte: our French phrase of the week This has no link with lunchtime food deliveries but rather something that President Macron’s government may experience in the coming days
Spending power help, Covid travel pass: This week in French politics Senators will also study a report on the violent scenes outside the Stade de France at the Champions League final in May
Why is there talk of a vote of confidence for France’s new PM? Boris Johnson recently survived a no confidence vote, and Élisabeth Borne has decided to forgo one. We explain the different systems in France and the UK
Explainer: What is France’s Assemblée nationale and how does it work? We look at how laws are passed, the role of the House’s president, parliamentary groups and a clause in French law that allows the government to bypass parliament
Power shift in France: President Macron needs MPs to compromise We ask political experts what went wrong for Macron in the legislative elections and how he can govern without an absolute majority
French politics: President Macron is in office but he is not in power Simon Heffer gives his unfiltered view on the miserable term Mr Macron now faces
‘We must learn to govern differently’: Key points of Macron’s TV talk The president has thrown the ball back into the oppositions’ court requesting their position on policies in his first address since failing to win an absolute majority in parliament
Will Macron dissolve parliament over MP loses? Two experts give views Some doubt he can reach alliances as he closed off this option in his first term and so will have no choice but to dissolve the Assemblée Nationale
Easy-look graphic: how seats in France’s new parliament are divided The final results of France’s legislative elections are now known. No party has an absolute majority. The new National Assembly will meet for the first time on 28 June
MP elections in France: what are key policies of leading coalitions? The first results are expected at 20.00. After a tight first round, there is a real question mark as to which party will come out on top and if there will be a hung parliament
Hunger-strike baker stands as MP to give a voice to migrants in France After campaigning to stop the deportation of his apprentice, Stéphane Ravacley thinks French immigration policy is unfair and aims to join the Assemblée Nationale to end the 'nonsense’
Elisabeth Borne must win at legislative elections to remain French PM Simon Heffer looks at why she is standing for election to the Assemblée nationale, what happens if she loses and what awaits her as prime minister if she wins
Far-Left Mélenchon ‘is dreaming’ in aim to be French prime minister He hopes for a big success for his party in June’s MP elections but will struggle as his supporters are concentrated in just a few urban areas, says a political analyst
Le Pen lost but could France really begin a 'nationals first' policy? Equality is a fundamental pillar of the French Republic and law experts say it would be difficult to discriminate against foreign people in France, but not impossible
How and why were France’s departments created? It is well known today that the country is divided into 101 areas called départements . However, it was not always this way and their history dates back to the French Revolution
Hijabi women’s football game protest banned by Paris police The women intended to play wearing hijabs near the Assemblée nationale as a protest against plans to ban players from wearing of the headscarves at official events