Many small firms and self-employed in France soon obliged to issue digital invoices One small business group has called for more support for the extra costs
New website for self-employed in France shows ‘no common sense’ Union des Auto-Entrepreneurs criticises online ‘one-stop shop’ and how some self-employed missed out on social charges help
Are freelancers entitled to France's professional training credits? The credits allow workers in France to develop their skills or even retrain
practical Insurance clarified for self-employed workers in France Cover can be for everything from civil responsibility to cyber attacks – and now it has all been detailed in a legal manual
Self-employed in France: Should I bill client for travel costs? You may want to consider splitting the cost of the tax and social charges between the two of you
Are self-employed workers entitled to additional training in France? You do pay towards professional training as part of your social cotisations - we explain how to apply for it
Self-employed in France get new law to protect home if business fails Personal assets like property, furniture, cars and bank accounts will automatically be protected from debt collectors
Self-employed workers in France to be given improved asset protection Personal and business assets will be separated to prevent a person’s possessions from being seized if their business fails
What is the difference between 'auto/micro-entrepreneur' in France? Officially, there is no difference and in the past they would have just referred to themselves as ' travailleurs indépendants' , or ' commerçants' , ' artisan's ... depending on sector
What do I need to know to set up a consulting business in France? We explain different structures and turnover limits for TVA (VAT)
A guide to micro-entrepreneurs in France Who can become an auto-entrepreneur? What is the annual turnover ceiling? How do micro-entreprises pay income tax and social charges and what benefits are they entitled to?
Macron announces labour law changes for self-employed in France New measures offer greater financial protections and simplified administration processes if you work for yourself. We explain the changes and how to claim benefits
A guide to how to arrange home help in France How to get help in the home from daily tasks such as ironing and gardening to assistance with household members and more
Covid aid for micro-entrepreneurs in France explained No specific changes linked to sick pay and Covid for independent workers, however Connexion outlines the other means of financial support in place What are the advantages of portage salarial in France? Can I invoice and quote for work in English in France? Chômage changes help self-employed in France
Few auto-entrepreneurs take up training allowance What is the training tax that I have to pay as an auto-entrepreneur and how can I benefit from this and take up some training? S.S. Simpler future ahead for the self-employed U-turn on VAT fraud software and small businesses Labrador Tag Feed Labrador Tag Feed Labrador Tag Feed