How France’s ‘back to school’ grant works and the amounts for 2025 The aid is means-tested and will increase by 1.7% this year
The new tougher rules for claiming RSA low-income aid in France Recipients of the benefit now have to draw up a ‘commitment contract’
Is there financial help to purchase a mobility scooter in France? Some UK disability benefits remain for Britons living across the Channel
practical Can France’s prime d’activité benefit boost income of self-employed? New ‘help’ service also promises assistance to those with low means
Two million over-60s live on less than €1,216 a month in France Those who live alone are the most affected, says new study
Financial help is available for workers who move in France The aid available depends on your income, family size, and reason for moving
Can we get help towards my wife’s respite care costs in France? Certain low-income families may not benefit from tax reductions when it comes to respite care
French benefit explainer: ‘Allocation de rentrée scolaire’ We look at who is eligible for the ‘back-to-school’ grant in 2024, how to apply and how much is available
What housing aid is available for people with disabilities in France? There are a number of benefits to help you adapt your home to offer more independence and usability
Change for foreign residents and eligibility to family benefit in France People will only be able to obtain family benefits if they spend majority of the year in the country
Emergency cash, care advice: Nine ways a French social worker can help We look at the role of social workers in France and the support they offer to those in need
Changes in April in France for drivers, health patients and homeowners See our list of changes to everyday life coming in during the new month
Alzheimer’s care in France: Readers share their experiences We spoke to four readers about caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s and what they want others to know
Benefit controls in France: Criticism of how people are selected Family associations claim that the ‘scoring’ algorithm used is discriminatory and targets vulnerable people French benefits: help for over-70s and disabled people to live at home What are the rules for claiming aid for home carer in France? Benefits in France: revenu de solidarité active (RSA) for work seekers
Voting, bills, benefits: 5 French practical articles A review of recent articles that you may have missed French benefit: Ajpa the caregiver or compassionate leave allowance Scams, aid, tax bills sent in error: five French practical updates Claiming free or cheaper top-up French health insurance to get easier French benefit explainer: Apa, help to stay independent in older age Eight changes coming in for residents of France in October
Millions of families in France receive ‘return to school’ grants today Eligibility is based on overall household income - we explain
Help to claim all benefit entitlements from some French authorities The three-year initiative will trial ways to reduce billions of euros in unclaimed aid
How are Caf income support benefits changing in France? Changes in accessing certain benefits are aimed at improving the process
France to launch crackdown plan for social security fraud Billions are believed to be lost through non-payment of cotisations or fake benefit claims
French benefit explainer: Aspa low pension income top-up We look at who is eligible, how to apply and why only half those entitled to the retirement aid apply
French jobseeker rebrand aims to inspire ‘active’ take on employment Ditching the old ‘Pôle Emploi’ moniker is accompanied by plans to make people on unemployment benefits do weekly ‘insertion’ work
Are freelancers entitled to France's professional training credits? The credits allow workers in France to develop their skills or even retrain
Explainer: France’s ZRR schemes and how they benefit rural communities 17,730 communes are classed as ZRRs in France with the aim of helping them to attract businesses to set up there
Unemployed in France must promise to do weekly activity in new trial A minimum of 15 hours a week is expected but has been criticised for ‘further stigmatising the poorest in society’
Fuel, Prime de Noël, Covid: 9 December 2022 dates to note in France Key dates include an end to fuel rebates and the 4% electricity cap, aid for wood-fired homes and gadget repairs, Christmas bonuses, new mask recommendations and long-Covid help
Low income but refused free French top-up health insurance? Next steps We explain why you may no longer get the complémentaire santé solidaire (CSS) benefit and how to appeal
Explainer: What help is there for people who are carers in France? We explain the leave and compensation rights for people who care in a non-professional capacity for someone close to them
Automatic payment trialled for French housing and income top-up aids Many benefits remain unclaimed by those eligible for reasons such as perceived stigma or living far from Caf benefits offices
Labour shortage: France plans to tighten unemployment benefit rules The government hopes to bring the unemployment rate down to 5% by 2027. It is currently at 7.4%
France’s income support benefit set to rise: who can claim it? The aid, aimed at low-to-moderate earners, is to be boosted from April 1
Family benefits due to stop for Britons in France if no residency card The benefits agency Caf says it is seeking an urgent solution, notably after we flagged up the likely problem of some eligible Britons not having cards on January 1
What about DLA benefit and pensions after Brexit? I receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in France from the UK government and pay tax in the UK on my medical pension. What will happen to these after Brexit? G.L.
The state to look after my father? My elderly parents and I live in France, although I work abroad for most of the year. My parents have small UK state pensions but my father who suffers from dementia is unable to look after himself. If my mother dies first or becomes incapable of looking after him, will the French system provide help? AB
Can foreign residents claim France’s pension top-up benefit? The monthly Aspa benefit is up to €906 for a single person and does not always depend on having paid into the French social security system
Who is eligible for €1,000 payment for unemployed people in France? The money will be given to some jobseekers to provide encouragement, and give funding to complete training courses with companies that are hiring
Eight changes for residents in France from October 2021 October brings changing clocks, new rules for travel from France to the UK, and changes for workers and jobseekers, as well as an extension to the deadline for holding Brexit Withdrawal Agreement residency cards
These four French benefits must be repaid from your estate after death To avoid unpleasant surprises for your heirs, it is worth knowing which French benefits must be repaid, either partly or in full, after you die
Macron announces labour law changes for self-employed in France New measures offer greater financial protections and simplified administration processes if you work for yourself. We explain the changes and how to claim benefits
Back to school financial grant is on the way to 3 million French homes The amount depends on household income, number of children at school, and their age; and is intended to help with the rising cost of ‘la rentrée’
What's new for residents in France from July 2021 Rising gas prices, a home renovation grant extension and easier travel within Europe are among the changes
France cracks down on benefit fraud with new ‘super checker’ taskforce The team will include ex-private detectives and former tax agents and will be authorised to chase down serious fraudsters across department lines
What’s new for residents in France in June 2021? A delay to summer sales, new double authentication for online payments, rising gas prices, and a ban on older diesel vehicles in Greater Paris are among key changes this month
New €500 aid for young job seekers in France to start this summer Aid will be given on condition of undertaking an ‘intensive’ job hunt
What’s new in France from January 1, 2021? The start of the new year sees changes in France concerning January sales, rising gas prices and Brexit
French mayor cuts family benefits to stop delinquency The mayor of Valence has stopped access to benefits for some families in response to violent protests in November
Christmas bonus for 2.5million French households Government unveils special seasonal payment for recipients of certain benefits
What is changing in France in December 2020? This month it will become much easier to change health insurers, gas prices are going up, and there are some important financial deadlines.
One-off French state Covid-19 aid payments due this week Some modest income households across France are set to receive additional government coronavirus-related payment
Restaurants say French Covid curfew will force closure The government has not ordered restaurants to close, but owners say they will have to anyway.
Covid-19: France's partial unemployment scheme extended Companies covered by a scheme for long-term partial unemployment benefits will have access to it for up to two years. Some companies not covered will have access to it until November 1.
France to give €150-€1,500 to key staff and families Four million low-income households in France are set to receive at least €150 each to help overcome the Covid-19 crisis, as the government confirms grants of up to €1,500 for frontline staff and key workers.
French ski workers threaten holiday strike Protest against impending reform of unemployment rights would affect thousands of seasonal workers at ski resorts, union says
What changes in France in November 2019 Gas prices go up from the first of the month, a long-awaited tax increase adds about €0.50 to the cost of a packet of 20 cigarettes, the trêve hivernale comes into force and changes to unemployment benefits take effect
Financial kick-start for sole traders to be cut Financial benefits offered to small businesses and micro-entrepreneurs for three years to help them get off the ground are to be significantly reduced.
French Sécu targeting lies and fraud Staff at the Sécu Sécurité Sociale are to be trained to detect benefit cheats in an attempt to cut a fraud bill estimated at €590million – or even higher.
Is French Aspa benefit repayable from my estate? I receive Aspa income top-up benefit in France. I have been told this has to all be reimbursed from my estate after my death – is this true? F.M.
What changes in France in April 2019 As always, the start of a new month brings small changes that can affect everyday life in France. April sees benefits and healthcare changes - as well as new rules on car parts coming into force
Government plans 'universal benefits' income plan At least 5million people would be affected by the planned reforms
Chômage changes help self-employed in France As an independent worker in France, I believe I do not have any right to unemployment benefit, but that this is changing. When will it happen and how will it work? Is it definite? How will the amount we receive be worked out? J.S.
French households’ buying power up by €440 per year Three quarters of households in France are set to see a rise in their buying power, with an average boost of €440 per year, due in part to the measures introduced after the gilets jaunes protests.
Tougher sanctions as job-seekers told to take less pay Tougher measures to force jobless people to do more to find work could see benefits removed for four months.
Tougher sanctions for failing to seek work Unemployed people claiming state benefits in France now face stronger sanctions - including the suspension of payments for up to four months - if they miss meetings or other key obligations.
Changes taking place in France in November 2018 Changes next month include the annual suspension of landlord eviction of tenants until next year, a rise in the maximum benefits for disabled adults, and a rise in gas prices.
Benefits rethink in €8bn fight on poverty in France Broad welcome for plans but ‘they need to go further’
Macron defends his plans for France as popularity dips President Emmanuel Macron has defended his plans for his presidency - focusing especially on business and welfare - in an address to 900 MPs and Senators at the Palace of Versailles this week.
French families missing out on €10b in benefits a year Over €10 billion in French state family benefits goes unclaimed every year, data from the national family benefits agency La CAF has shown, as a new campaign seeks to repay those who are missing out.
French Court backs ‘voluntary work for benefits’ idea People on France’s most common welfare benefit, the revenue de solidarité active RSA, may be required by their department to do ‘voluntary’ work after a ruling by the country’s highest administrative court.
Macron bemoans France's 'crazy money' welfare spend The President's phrase was widely criticised for showing 'class contempt'
What changes in France in April Family allowances given a boost, falling gas prices, a new look for the carnet de sante, and an extra safety feature on new cars
What is tax benefit of money in will to charity? I know that you can receive a significant crédit d’impôt (tax credit) on donations made to approved French charities. However what happens if you wish to donate to charities from the part of your estate that is disponible after you die? Is there any tax advantage to this? Can you advise on how to leave money to charity in the most efficient way for the charity and for the other heirs? M.R.
Mythbuster: Unemployment benefit is over-generous Fact or Fake? In this regular column, we look at the ‘truths’ that everyone ‘knows’ about France