How long are waits at French emergency units - new statistics released We also look at how wait times compare with the UK and the US
Change to nurses’ role in France: How could patients be affected? It comes after MPs passed a bill to expand the role, and improve provision in medical ‘deserts’
Fact check: Does France offer world’s most generous health reimbursement? It comes after a government spokesperson made the claim this week
news French town opens medical centre for those without a GP The centre takes patients with or without appointments, amid the growing problem of 'medical deserts'
Access to physiotherapists, nurses, and opticians now easier in France The rules will be trialled for five years
How does your area of France fare for delay to see a doctor? Some departments are in particular trouble when it comes to waiting times for specialists
CHART: How long does it take to get to hospital in rural France? We also look at the time needed to get to a pharmacy and other health services when compared with averages for urban areas
Wait to see health specialists grows in France: here is what to expect Now an average of 10 days to see a GP as delays increase across the board
Doctors: New €60 ‘long consultation’ for over-80s proposed in France Other specialists may also see their consultation fees increase
€30 doctor fees, less drugs: how healthcare could change in France Doctors to be paid more but in return asked to prescribe fewer treatments
Which rural areas of France are hardest hit by lack of doctors? We also look at the countryside departments best served - and the situation for access to health specialists
Macron announces plans for allowing aid for sick to die in France Family members may be allowed to administer injections under plans, but doctors have hit back
Half of health specialists charge above set state rates in France Gynaecologists, ophthalmologists and anaesthetists were often found to charge more in a study by a leading consumer association
Doctolib to launch AI medical assistant to free up doctors in France Artificial Intelligence will be used during appointments to take notes and filter information Plans to raise GP doctor fees to €30 a visit in France What is the hold-up in dealing with medicine shortages in France? France looks to fine people who miss a doctor’s appointment
Concern over antibiotic resistance in France sparks media campaign Antibiotic use has risen again in France where family doctors prescribe them twice as much as they do in the UK or Germany Doctor struck off for misconduct continued practising for five years Medicines in France will cost patients more from spring Who gets called for a mammogram in France? Is it free? What changes in France in 2024 for health and medicine ‘No scar’: surgeon in France accused of just pretending to operate
‘Medicines to avoid in 2024’ list published by French medical review The 105 drugs are considered to be ‘more dangerous than useful’ but the majority are still widely available and used
Doctors oppose plans for video consultations at French train stations They recommend improving rail services to isolated areas instead
How to see a doctor if you cannot sign up with GP in France You can still get treatment but will not be reimbursed the same as with a médecin traitant
How can I see a doctor at my local French pharmacy? Doctors are not present on-site but online appointments can be made
Doctors pause their strike in France: Will consultation fees go up? The unions say their action is ‘suspended’ only, as they agree to reopen negotiations on consultation fees next week
French village strives to attract doctor with video pitch Commune fears joining the growing number of medical deserts
Doctors’ strike in France: ‘Why €25 per appointment is not enough’ The strike comes amid wider national action also affecting travel and schools
What to do if you need doctor during strikes starting Friday in France Many GPs and other self-employed doctors will not be working and options to find assistance elsewhere may be limited
French doctors' strike, speed limits: 5 articles you may have missed We also look at how to avoid second-hand car scams, a gas bill deadline and tips to keep yourself safe in heavy rain when at home or in your car
Long wait for dermatologist appointments in France Almost one in two people have given up seeking treatment and many face mental health issues due to skin conditions
Call for an unlimited GP doctors’ strike in France from October 13 The date ties in with planned cross-industry protest action. Some cancellation of doctor appointments is expected in an on-going argument over consultation fees
French pharmacies now able to prescribe antibiotics…but GPs sceptical A doctors’ union has denounced the change intended to help GPs with the burden of prescribing antibiotics for simple complaints
Free health check-up for 45-50 year olds in France: how will it work? This will be the first age group to benefit from this new preventative initiative
Can a French doctor refuse to take on a new patient? Doctors can refuse to treat patients for personal or professional reasons, but not for discriminatory ones
Health chief opens door to second new rise in doctor fees in France The cost of seeing your GP will go up to €26.50 this autumn but now this is being referred to as only ‘stage one.’ Unions want it to be at least €30
How do I complain about bad healthcare treatment in France? Learn about the various avenues available for making an official complaint for treatment at a French hospital
Right-to-die activist postpones death, continues campaign Connexion caught up with right-to-die activist Jacqueline Jencquel, who we spoke to in 2018 and January 2020, just as a French erotic film came out focusing on the same subject. Liv Rowland spoke to her about her new book and to the director and star of the film.
Remote monitoring of patients in France moves into the mainstream The costs of monitoring patients from distance are now being covered by France’s health insurance scheme, Assurance maladie
Map: Where in France are emergency call staff going on strike? Rolling strikes begin on Monday (July 3) and nearly 50 call centres are affected
How seeing a GP (or rather not) for some issues is changing in France The legislation aims to make it easier for patients to access certain health professionals without having to get a referral from their doctor first
Doctors under fire over number of sick days they grant French workers GPs that hand out too many illness days could face a fine of up €9,000
France is set to switch to digital prescriptions. How will it work? The new system is part of a wider plan to digitise healthcare records and remove the risks and inconveniences associated with paper prescriptions
France’s medical deserts ‘pushing more GPs to turn away new patients’ Nearly four-in-five independent GPs in France said there were not enough fellow doctors in their area
Map: Where in France is there most violence against healthcare staff? Violence and aggression towards healthcare workers rose by 23% last year, a new report shows
French villages fight doctor shortage with medical bus The medical bus visits one of eight participating communes and is aimed at fighting the area’s problem of ‘medical deserts’
How a new law is causing problems at France’s under-pressure hospitals Hospitals have been forced to close beds and services after a new law capped the salary of locum staff
France lets healthcare staff without Covid jab return to work But, after more than 18 months away, questions have been raised about how many will want to come back
A decade before France has more doctors, admits health minister François Braun said he would look to free doctors of ‘absurd’ administrative tasks to ease the situation
The cost of seeing a doctor in France is set to increase The hike is expected to cost the French state around €600 million a year
Meet France’s oldest working doctor, 101, recognised for his longevity Dr Christian Chenay began his career in 1946. He closed his surgery earlier this year but continues seeing some of his oldest patients
Send independent doctors to parts of France with shortage, says report A consumer group has attacked the freedom of doctors to choose where they practise
Can I stay registered to my GP in the UK if I am a resident in France? We also look at which medical cards French residents should use when travelling
Don’t use diabetic drug for weight loss, warns French health agency The drug has hit headlines after videos on social media platform TikTok hailed it as helping weight loss
France considers charging patients for no-shows at the doctor Doctors in France say they lose two hours per week due to patients failing to show up for appointments without cancelling ahead of time
More GP strikes expected in France after proposed fee rise is rejected Unions say the proposal of an increase from €25 to €26.50 for a standard consultation is ‘not acceptable’ after months of negotiations
French health authority issues warning over cold medication drug A common cold drug found in well-known medications can, in very rare cases, cause brain issues and heart problems, the ANSM has said
How does France’s doctor shortage compare to other countries? It is well-publicised as a fraught time for the healthcare sector but we look at how France’s medical situation compares to other European nations
How could ‘no-show’ fees for GP appointments work in France? A senator has put forward the idea as a way to cut back on the 27 million appointments which are missed each year and thus help ease strain on doctors
Why GPs in France are on strike and will doctor ‘no-shows’ be charged? Negotiations with France’s national health body the Assurance maladie have also broken down
Seven questions about ‘medical deserts’ in France The term is becoming more common amid GP complaints of having to carry out too many ‘useless tasks’. We answer key questions and look at what the government is doing to help
Minister calls for end to ‘useless medical certificates’ in France He plans to introduce 15 measures to free up GPs’ time in the context of a lack of healthcare appointments
Patients fight to reinstate unvaccinated GP in southwest France The doctor was banned from practising after not ‘giving proof of Covid vaccination status’ but the local mayor says there is fault on both sides
How can I find out which parts of France are lacking doctors? So-called ‘medical deserts’ are a big issue in France, but certain areas have better access to healthcare than others
French healthcare workers reject Macron’s plans to reform the system Unions say the proposals do not go far enough and are calling for urgent improvements to patient-staff ratios
How to find a doctor out of hours in France There are plenty of options in France to find healthcare as and when you need it if your doctor is not available
Latest on French GP strike and what to do if you need to see a doctor GPs are striking until January 2, calling for a doubling of their standard consultation fee among other points. The move has been condemned by the government
‘Asking for HRT in France made me feel like a stroppy child’ Writer Gillian Harvey talks to readers about their experiences as research suggests the number of women taking hormone replacement therapy in France has dropped 80% over 20 years
Today's GP and laboratory strikes in France: What to expect Doctors and lab analysts plan to strike today and Friday against budget cuts and working conditions. We recap the plans and how patients will be impacted
French GP strike: What to do if you fall ill and need a doctor GPs across France are set to strike on December 1 and 2 but if you fall ill there are still several ways in which you can access medical care
How to find a doctor in France who speaks good English If your French language skills are limited (or you just prefer to converse on medical issues in your native language) these resources can help
Can I ask a foreign GP for a French sports certificate? Joining a sports club in France will often require asking a doctor for a medical certificate. We look at whether this can be done in your home country
Explainer: Paying to see a doctor or health specialist in France The medical system in France can seem quite different to people coming here from the UK and US, for example – here are some useful pointers to help you understand
French mayors’ ideas to solve rural doctor shortages 'taken seriously' Rural mayors have presented the health minister with four solutions to healthcare ‘deserts’ using consultation results
Lack of doctors in France ‘means rural residents are dying younger’ Access to GPs is difficult in the countryside though this varies from one local area to another. Access to specialists and hospitals is also a concern
French health site Doctolib to ban unregulated wellbeing practitioners The booking platform said that it will focus ‘exclusively on practitioners with references from health authorities’, with naturopaths and hypnotherapists banned
French pharmacists offer medical consultations in new trial Fifty pharmacies in Brittany are now able to advise patients who have 13 common symptoms, in an effort to compensate for a lack of doctors
France trials triaging emergency 15 calls to assess if doctor attends Less serious cases are to be seen by district nurses or urged to go to their GP - we look at why the emergency service is changing
French woman who posed as fake GP now found posing as fake teacher Samantha Avril is now under psychiatric care and criminal investigation after she was discovered to be working as a teacher, and had worked as a GP, without any qualifications
France could extend 100% coverage of GP appointments to end of summer The measure was brought in during the pandemic as téléconsultations soared in popularity