France reports 250,000 dog bites a year: What to do and who is responsible Any breed of dog can bite, and there are certain rules and restrictions on certain breeds, and what to do in the event of an attack
What are France’s top 10 favourite dog breeds? Two lists disagree The Australian Shepherd tops both rankings…but what about the rest?
New French-Swiss app launches as one-stop shop for dog owners The app shows the locations and details of dog-friendly walks, parks, hotels, activities, groomers, and entertainment
news Dog owners in France launch petition over ban on dogs not on leads ‘It is urgent and vital that our dogs can get back a bit of freedom,’ they say, after town brings in a fine of up to €450 for non-compliance
You will soon have to keep dog on lead if walking in forest in France The measure starts this month and owners can be fined if they do not comply