France plans crackdown on fraud around obligatory energy ratings for homes All homes being sold or let need an up-to-date DPE
How much do energy efficiency renovations cost in France? Owners will want to ensure properties improve by at least two DPE ratings, increasing the work and cost needed
Latest property energy efficiency rules as parliament rejects bill Landlords now have to follow the climate law rules without exception
news Many French property energy efficiency ratings now out of date: How to check yours The change will affect you if you plan to sell or rent a property
Property energy audits in France: Major cost variations nationwide More in-depth energy tests are becoming increasingly mandatory
Old energy efficiency ratings for French properties invalid from 2025 Many existing energy diagnostics tests will need to be redone
Property energy rating system in France eased (a little) Smaller properties are to have their DPE calculated differently so their rating more accurately ‘reflects reality’, the government says
Is DPE energy certificate needed for property used for Airbnb rentals? Proposed rules may impact properties whatever the platform used to rent them
Explainer: DPE survey and new energy audit for properties in France Key points on the mandatory 'diagnostic de performance énergétique' and extra audit for low-rated homes
Timetable for new energy-linked restrictions for homes in France Restrictions on renting houses with low energy efficiency are coming into force from 2025
€1.6bn boost for homeowners, fast food row: 5 French property updates Plus government reported to be looking at making sale of energy-inefficient homes conditional on improvement works
New map lets you find energy ranking of nearly 5 million French homes The energy efficiency rating of millions of homes is available via the online map
Energy-efficiency renovation grants reform for homes in France Changes to MaPrimeRénov’ will provide more aid to both large and small scale renovation projects
Reader’s experience of France’s DPE energy rating: ‘nonsense’ They believe their low rating is inaccurate and devaluing their stone property Homeowners in France advised how best to prepare for energy ratings Is France’s DPE property energy rating based on actual bills? ‘No sense’ to exempt old stone homes from EU energy rules, says MEP
False energy audit, shrinking Paris flats and priciest French streets Our weekly round-up of property news in France Old rural homes should be exempt from EU energy plan says French group Eleven changes in France for residents in April Drought damage, septic tank dispute: Five French property updates Make sense of new energy audits for property in France Rising renovation costs, €20,000 folding house: French property update
Price negotiation, free electricity: Five French property updates We also look at ownership rules after 30 years of non-contested use of a piece of land or property and efforts to sell Johnny Hallyday’s house
10 questions about France’s new energy audits for homes Older character properties are particularly affected. We look at exactly which homes need to get an audit and when, what it involved and the cost
Energy audits, tax, grants: What is new for property in France in 2023 We look at the energy diagnostic tests needed for sales or letting and why installing a pool will cost more
Energy efficiency rules could put French ski resorts at risk France is considering extending a ban on renting out poorly-insulated properties to include short-term holiday rentals
French energy rating law ‘puts older houses at risk’ France’s new energy efficiency laws do not take into account the specific qualities of pre-1948 buildings, associations warn
French property sales: Why do some listings not have energy ratings? We look at the meaning of the terms ‘non soumis à DPE’, ‘DPE non fourni’ and ‘DPE vierge’
Small towns escape price rise slowdown: French property market trends Some smaller towns are still seeing rises of almost 20% in a year. We also look at the effect of energy ratings on the market
Self-heating homes, holiday lets: Five French property updates We also look at how energy ratings affect property value, the fraught sale of a historic fortress and the family who discovered their home was on heavily polluted land while gardening
Home energy efficiency: Key dates for property owners in France Use our easy-read timeline to see the dates which may affect the sale or rental of your property depending on its energy efficiency rating
Eco-renovations, Airbnb: Five updates for property owners in France We also look at how mortgages are becoming longer and harder to obtain, many Ile-de-France properties risk being banned from rental market and more
Common errors that push up taxe foncière: Five French property updates We also look at why it is important to consider neighbour complaints before signing off on renovation work
€1,000 energy audit to be needed for sales of millions of French homes The certificates, detailing work needed to improve energy efficiency, will involve suggested action only, but some experts think it could later be made obligatory
Case study: Upgrading an old stone barn conversion in France Couple in south-west tell of their challenge to make insulation and heating improvements to the massive building so it conforms to modern standards
Rent prices in France frozen for least energy efficient properties It is part of a series of measures being introduced to encourage landlords to improve their properties’ energy efficiency through renovations
Air-con restrictions? Tax foncière rates: Five French property updates We also look at a four-year legal battle over a BBQ, delays to energy audit obligations and a landmark court ruling against a Parisian estate agency
Toxic seaweed, energy ratings, tiny flat: Four French property updates We also look at how having good insulation could add almost 10% value to your home and how the state has to pay €19,000 compensation over a chateau it seized
The areas of France with the best and worst house insulation Southern cities such as Perpignan and Nice perform well, while Paris’ older buildings mean poorly-insulated homes
Extra energy audit to protect property buyers in France is delayed The new pre-sale survey is only for the least energy efficient homes so buyers can predict improvement costs, but there not enough trained auditors
What is the impact of energy ratings on French house prices? The French diagnostic de performance énergétique indicates how energy-efficient a property is from A to G, with better ratings sometimes fetching higher sale prices
185,000 homes in France with wrong energy ratings to get new ones free The homes, all built before 1975, have been given incorrectly-low scores which could make them more difficult to sell