Etias travel permit for EU: April 2027 earliest date for enforcement ‘Transition’ and ‘grace’ periods will potentially help travellers who have not applied for online authorisation scheme: we explain
App to ease new EES border control checks is now ready - how it will work EU Member States will be able to choose if they allow passengers to use the app to hand over certain information required in advance
What is the process if Brexit card holder’s passport is stamped by mistake? Manual stamping of passports will soon be phased out
practical Is it possible to use different passports to enter and leave France and the UK? Border security rules are coming into force across Europe and UK which will see non-citizens registering to enter countries
Could France follow Spain’s plan for 100% tax on non-EU buyers of second homes? Spanish prime minister says country must act to combat rising housing shortage
Residency rights and border changes: What's new in France in 2025 Language requirements for residency cards will get tougher, and border security changes are set to be implemented
Britons, Americans, other non-EU travellers: New problem for digital border checks Approval is required for the plan to be 'phased in' instead of launched all at once, potentially causing further delays to 'EES' launch
How is France affected by delays to new EU border controls? Digital 'Entry/Exit System' was widely expected to start on November 10, but latest delay will give French ports and airports more time to prepare
Tourists, foreign residents: How France’s new Schengen border checks will work Border guards will be able to carry out ID checks on road, sea, and air routes from six European countries beginning in November
Can British spouse of French passport holder use EU queue under EES rules? Close family members can use EU passport queues under certain conditions
French ferry ports voice concern over new EU digital border There are fears over the lack of testing for the European Entry/Exit System (EES) equipment
France reported to be asking for new border system delay Three countries are said to have requested more time, saying they are not ready for the current November 10 launch
Will new biometric controls ‘reset’ 90/180 day rule for travel to France? Part of the EU’s new Entry/Exit System (EES) is a complete digitisation of border controls
New delay for EU biometric border controls reported It is also suggested that some passengers may travel without handing over all biometric data to ease queues when the EES system launches ‘The French are pro-EU – as long as it does what France wants’ Can I travel freely in the EU with a French 'Brexit' residency card? Britons told to check passports as more people denied travel to EU
Prepare for border changes to start November 6, French airports told Airport officials say the date is too early for the Entry/Exit System and will lead to significant delays. It is still not known if France will opt to use a phone app EU vote could allow 60 tonne mega trucks on French roads French inheritance law: EU contacts France over ‘possible breach’ Phones, tests, lorries: Changes on way for (some) drivers in France EU parliament votes against mandatory medical visits for drivers Debate on obligatory medical tests for European drivers to begin
When will universal phone and tablet charger be obligatory in France? New electronic devices will have the same charging port, meaning one cable can charge all
French minister calls new 10-year glyphosate authorisation ‘stupidity’ He called the EU’s decision ‘an environmental step backwards’
French MPs move to stop last-minute air traffic controller strikes Air staff now need to give advance warning of their individual intent to strike in order to minimise disruptions
Can I travel freely in the EU as the spouse of an EU citizen? Depending on how long you stay in France you may need a residency card
Why clock changes are controversial in France Many people want to see an end to the biannual resetting
59 countries affected by new EU visa-free scheme, launch date awaited All visa-waiver countries will be subject to a €7 fee authorisation
What is I-CAD? France’s pet database explained It is necessary to register your dog, cat or ferret with the service before getting an EU pet passport in France
UK unveils launch price of new visa waiver: when and who is affected? It is part of the UK’s new digital border system, which is expected to be fully operational by the end of 2024
MPs vote to water down law to make all French mairies fly EU flag It will now only be mandatory with mairies that have more than 1,500 inhabitants
‘Superb’, ‘nonsense’: Your views on making French mairies fly EU flag MPs from Emmanuel Macron’s party want to make displaying the flag mandatory
New group will fight for rights of UK nationals in France and EU European Britons claims lobbying for human rights will be its unique selling point to gain more representation in the EU
French airports worried about extra waiting due to EU Entry/Exit plan It is expected that special pre-registration booths will be installed at large airports, but they are said to be “not completely satisfactory” as yet
Must British EU residents give biometric data in new border controls? We look at how the incoming Entry-Exit System will work with regards to foreign nationals resident in the EU
What is the EU’s incoming Etias travel authorisation scheme? 9 in 10 Britons do not know about the travel authorisation scheme according to a study
Longer waiting times expected due to new EU border checks Officials are warning travellers could face significantly increased waiting times following the introduction of new border checks next year
New EU border checks for entry to France: plans at standstill in UK Transport chiefs and campaign groups fear long waits when exit/entry scheme gets under way
Claims that senior UK ministers seeking Swiss-style EU ties denied PM says he would block any move requiring the UK to align with EU laws
Explainer: How has Brexit changed UK passport checks at EU borders? Passport checking requirements at EU borders have changed in the post-Brexit era
President Macron has a new EU vision that could include the UK He proposes a less binding ‘European political community’ of nations, including Ukraine and the UK - reports say UK PM Boris Johnson has a similar plan
‘Embarrassed to be British’: Britons in the EU share views on Brexit A new study has highlighted the concerns of UK citizens living in the EU regarding freedom of movement, settlement rights and identity
France should ‘no longer need Russian gas within three to four years’ Ending reliance on EU imports from Russia will depend on the improvement of current infrastructure, the president of French giant Engie has said
Britons in France: What is the benefit of EU long-term resident card? Even if you have a Withdrawal Agreement (WA) card you are also eligible for an 'EU carte de résident de longue-durée'. We explore the extra rights it can give
Post-Brexit passport rule confusion affects British travellers to EU People have been refused boarding as their passport is more than nine years and nine months old even though it has an extended validity period
French companies in Russia ‘sponsoring war machine’ says Zelensky The Ukrainian president told the French parliament today that brands such as Renault and Auchan ‘must pull out of the Russian market’
It is time to end EU travel Covid rules, say airlines and airports Many are calling for an end to vaccination certificates, passenger locator forms, tests and possibly masks ahead of the summer period
Post-Brexit means-tests, residency card issues raised by campaigners The Connexion spoke to the co-chair of British in Europe about the key issues Britons in France still face as the campaign organisation closes down
Hope for British EU residents needing to transit France to get home Sandra Crabbe missed the period of ‘tolerance’ for non-resident Britons driving through France but the recent rule relaxation should now enable her and her husband to return home
Who was Jean Monnet and why is the EU celebrating him at the Panthéon? European commissioners from the 27 EU states are meeting today in Paris with the French and EU Commission presidents to honour Mr Monnet as well as iconic French politician Simone Veil
Political storm over EU flag at Arc de Triomphe baffles many ‘EU flag symbolises longest period of peace in Europe: Is that an outrage?’ said one TV commentator
Will British wife share same rights as Irish husband? I am Irish, living in France, and my wife is British. Will she share the same rights as me after Brexit? T.P.
Brexit: Is my non-EU retired spouse protected? I am Australian and live with my British wife in France. We have been here as a retired couple since 2014. Is my residency safe in the Brexit deal?
Can I see all European Covid travel rules in one place? There are various different travel rules relating to the pandemic all around Europe
Design of France's new two euro coin represents strength and wisdom The coin marks the French presidency of the Council of the EU, which will take place in the first half of 2022
Why can EU citizens living in the UK enter France but Britons can not? This is a misunderstanding of France’s latest Covid-related travel restrictions that apply to the UK
Will non-EU residents of France need Etias to return from trip abroad? Etias is a new ‘visa-waiver’ travel authorisation scheme for visitors to the Schengen area, set to be in force by 2023
Covid France: Should I update to an EU vaccine certificate to travel? Some people who were vaccinated early have a certificate that only functions in France. We explain what they need to do to travel in the EU.
Becoming Irish if UK leaves the EU? If Britain chooses to leave the European Union, could I become an Irish citizen to avoid complications? I have been told it is easy to do this. PH
Will Covid jabs become mandatory in France? What we know so far Countries such as Germany and Austria are moving towards making it obligatory for the general public. We look at what the opinion in France is
Covid: New restrictions in EU, rules on France-Belgian border tighten As cases spike in Europe, we recap the changes and explore whether France could follow suit and impose stricter restrictions on non-vaccinated people
EES/ETIAS: UK must clarify effects of new EU systems, says politician The EU is set to introduce two new electronic travel systems by the end of 2022 that will affect people from the UK, the US and other non-EU countries
Do people in France really work less than in other countries? President Macron said so in a speech this week, but the figures paint a more complicated picture - and what about productivity?
Will everyone in France need a third Covid booster vaccine? The EU is to give its official view in early October on whether it recommends everyone aged 16 or above should receive a Covid booster jab
EU plans to standardise smartphone and tablet chargers to reduce waste If successful, the measures will prevent manufacturers from creating and supplying their own chargers, cutting down on waste and costs for consumers
Britons in EU lose representation as main campaign group winds down British in Europe (BiE) has lobbied at the highest levels to maintain Britons’ rights after Brexit and helped win several key rights
Minimum wage in France is rising – what is the average salary now? SMIC payments will rise more than €30 per month. We consider how many people the new change will affect in France, and how the wage compares to the rest of the EU
French Valneva vaccine maker seeks UK approval despite cancelled order The UK has cancelled an order of 100 million doses from French company Valneva, which has a base in Scotland
Visitors to France to be affected by UK’s Three roaming charge return Three is the third UK mobile provider to reintroduce the £2-per-day EU roaming fees, which will affect new and upgrading customers from October this year and come into force in May 2022
I hold a Brexit residency card: Why was passport stamped at border? Several readers continue to report their UK passports being stamped on entering France from the UK
Growers in France say EU’s labelling plans may destroy lavender fields Under the draft EU regulation, the 600-plus chemical molecules found in lavender could be potentially relabelled as dangerous, threatening the future of the industry
Confusion over EU pet passport rules costs British dog owner £500 The dog owner who lives in France fell foul of a mix up in rules around EU pet passports and rabies injections on a recent visit to the UK
EU warns it has not yet approved Covid booster campaigns Around 200,000 people in France have already booked a third jab as the booster campaign for people aged 80 and over begins
EU restricts non-essential travel from US due to Delta variant levels The bloc removed America from its ‘safe list’ of countries, along with five others – meaning France is likely to take the country off its green travel list
Etias: New €7 fee to come into Schengen zone is not Brexit related Planning for this began in early 2016 and was backed by the UK, an EU member at the time. It applies to Americans and many other non-EU nationalities who have visa-free access to Schengen countries, as well as Britons
Rising price of property in France below average for European Union French property prices increased by 38% in the past 15 years, compared to 46% across the EU
French car club: EU plans to ban fossil-fuel cars by 2035 unrealistic The proposals do not take into consideration the progress made in reducing pollution from combustion engine vehicles, a spokesman for the country’s largest car association has said
EU Covid travel pass: Airlines warn of delays, talks with UK ongoing Major airline and airport associations say an inconsistent approach by member states to the EU’s Covid-19 travel scheme will cause confusion. The scheme launches officially tomorrow (July 1)
European health travel pass: People in France can now access it The European EU Digital Covid Certificate will be standardised EU-wide from July 1, and is intended to make travel easier within the EU. We explain how this will work
French Covid vaccine certificates to be updated for travel on June 22 The QR codes will be changed to function with an EU-wide system
Organic farmers in France stage naked protest against aid cuts Workers post nude photos online to gain attention after proposed change to the EU common agricultural policy