When must a bank reimburse a customer scam victim in France? Reimbursement can depend on whether the customer has been ‘negligent’
Five ways the latest 2025 budget will impact property owners in France Changes include increasing notaire fees, tax exemption from property gifts and the extension of the Loc'Avantages rental scheme
One of main aids to purchase an electric car will end in France in 2025 Only the ecological bonus and social leasing will remain, but their amounts are as-yet unconfirmed
news These are the average funeral costs per region in France Normandy has the highest average cost and Occitanie has the lowest
Will French aid to buy a zero emission car drop in 2025? French financial aid to buy new electric vehicles set to fall according to a leading auto magazine
How to sell your jewellery or gold in France The sale of gold is highly regulated in France. We give tips to make the most of the booming market
Step-children: French MPs favour new €31,865 gift tax allowance Amendment also calls to lighten tax on siblings, nephews and nieces - but to tax wealthy direct heirs more
‘Round up’ banking enables people in France to save without realising The method is seen as a way for shoppers who might normally struggle to save to build up extra cash
Gas bills expected to reduce in France this September A slight drop is to come after months of significant increases
How much money do people in France need to live well? What is the role of money in well-being and how much do people need on average, new poll asks
Warning to expect delays with bank transfers in France over Easter How to avoid getting caught out by the annual bank transfer holiday
New way to check if your French top-up health insurance cost is fair French consumer group launches comparator based on profile saying it should be easier for people to compare plans and save money
Buying an electric car in France: how government aid is changing The changes come as the government also announced that the ‘social leasing’ €100 scheme was closed for 2024
How to avoid falling victim to ‘false bank advisor’ scams in France These types of scams have ‘exploded’ in recent years, says a cybersecurity expert How bank cashpoints are changing in France Working ‘on the black’ costs France €10 billion a year French bank fees rise almost 3% after moderate year in 2023
Habitat France shops at risk as firm faces financial issues The group’s owner says he wants the stores to remain open but unions say that they ‘have not had a delivery’ of new stock in six months Six tips for comparing energy suppliers in France to lower bills Do personal credit ratings exist in France? Why is there a historic low in babies being born in France? 12 changes for residents and homeowners in France in March 2023 9 changes for residents and homeowners in France in February 2023
Explainer: Who will receive France's €100-€200 extra energy aid Twelve million households are eligible with the first amounts due to be sent out during the Christmas holidays
Currency planning for life in France avoids being a hostage to markets Partner article: Robert Kent of Kentingtons explains why it makes sense to ensure access to euros rather than taking a punt on where the market is going
Grant to renovate French homes is extended with a bigger budget Those applying for large sums, however, will soon have to use (and pay for) a professional adviser
‘Budget season is a good time to review tax planning in France’ Partner article: Rob Kay from Blevins Franks explains what recent changes in France could mean for your tax position
‘Think ahead to save money on capital gains in France’ Partner article: Rob Kay from Blevins Franks explains how assets are taxed in France and important considerations when moving to or leaving the country
Paris stock market more valuable than London’s for first time Less investment due to Brexit and the devaluation of pound sterling against the dollar are key reasons cited
Is it better to lend to grandchildren in France or to make gifts? There are pro’s and cons when it comes to these options, but you should be aware of the tax and declaration implications
Fuel oil aid for homes in France: Who is eligible for the €100-200? Cheques will be sent to eligible households from November onwards. We explain who is eligible, how to work out what you will receive, how to use the money, and when you can expect it
An Assurance Vie opens doors to flexible loan borrowing in France Partner article: Daniel Butcher of DTB Wealth Management explains the ‘Lombard’ loan opportunity of borrowing against investments in an Assurance Vie
UK’s economic situation ‘worrying’, says French finance minister His comments come after a week in which the pound crashed to its lowest level against the euro in around two years
2,600 jobs lost as French clothing group Camaïeu in administration A court ruling made the decision after the state refused a demand for a multi-million rescue package, saying it was too ‘high risk’
French PM urges big business to return purchasing power to the public Élisabeth Borne said that ‘everyone should be responsible’ and that she ‘would be paying attention to what large companies do’ with massive profits
What food products have risen most in price in France? New figures show that year-on-year, prices are up most for meat, pasta, margarine, and coffee, as a result of the war in Ukraine, energy costs, drought, frost, and lingering effects of Covid
Should £15,000 money gift from parents in UK be declared in France? Partner article: Gifts should be declared by the receiver, and may be taxable, although there are tax-free allowances
Rising energy bills: France to keep price cap in 2023 The measure has already stopped prices from increasing by 40% and has kept inflation lower in France than in many other countries – but it has cost the state €24billion
Spanish electricity provider Iberdrola fails to renew French contracts The main EDF competitor has invited its hundreds of thousands of customers in France to find alternative suppliers as it will no longer ‘automatically renew’ contracts due to rising costs
Investing: avoid fads and spread risk to make money for life in France Partner article: Christopher Davenport of Kentingtons tells us what to consider when financial markets are turbulent - and a word from Warren Buffet
Capital release: start-up claims to have solution for French property Dillan says it is the only firm in France to now offer a ‘second mortgage’ after seeing a gap in the French lending market
What will President Macron's second term mean for my money in France? Partner article: ‘There will be no austerity in France’ Christopher Davenport of Kentingtons shares his thoughts on your financial future under Mr Macron
Six common pitfalls financial experts see when people move to France Partner article: Thousands of people move to France every year, so it is best to learn from their mistakes, says Kentingtons financial expert Christopher Davenport
French income tax declaration deadline looms - seven rules explained Partner article: Income is taxed differently in France to the UK. Rob Kay, from Blevins Franks, highlights seven key points to be aware of
Best way for Britons in France to manage ‘lump sums’ of money Partner article: Consider putting money from UK ISAs, property sales or investments into a French ‘Assurance Vie’ says Daniel Butcher, founder of DTB Wealth Management
Cost of living in France: New details on ‘purchasing power’ law Food cheques, limits on gas price rises, and increased benefits are among the measures set to be taken by the government
Advisory service resolves Britons' financial problems in France Partner article: From insurance to investments, Daniel Butcher from DTB Wealth Management explains some of the issues clients face in France
Why did Barclays, HSBC and ING banks struggle to make money in France? These global financial giants could not make enough profit to be viable in the French banking system. We ask a French finance expert to explain
New kind of bank card fraud hits car park payments in France Two men have been arrested on suspicion of installing boxes on payment terminals that enabled them to use the PIN numbers to withdraw money at a cashpoint several kilometres away
Cheque fraud on rise in France: Tips on how to avoid it Cheque fraud amounted to €538million in 2020, the latest annual report shows, prompting La Banque de France to step up security and offer tips to avoid falling victim
Levothyrox controversy: Lyon court wins payout for patients The manufacturer of thyroid drug Levothyrox, which has been at the centre of controversy since 2017 after patients claimed a new formula did not work, has been ordered to pay €1,000 to more than 3,000 plaintiffs.
French election candidates have to declare their wealth: Here it is Amounts range from €9.7million for Valérie Pécresse, via €550,000 for Emmanuel Macron to €122,000 for Philippe Poutou
‘Odd job’ help, loans, renovation aid: Five French property updates We look at how to find DIY professionals, a new law creating more beneficial rules on mortgage insurance and what help is available for adapting a home for older age
Wills, assets: UK couples and France’s three main marriage regimes Partner article: As in many aspects of life, differences between the UK and France on this topic are numerous
Can I pay a UK cheque into my French bank account? When paying a sterling cheque into a French bank account the cheque may take a while to clear and there may be significant fees
Can social worker help with debt? How can I contact an assistant social and what kind of help they can offer? For example, if someone has financial difficulties and large debts. J.W.
Money: can I still receive paper invoices instead of online? Reader question: a while ago I read that firms cannot charge extra to people who want to receive paper invoices instead of email or online versions – is this still the case? S.H.
Do siblings have to help each other financially in France? Reader question: I have heard of the obligation alimentaire , which means that you must financially look after needy parents. Does this exist between siblings? F.D.
No refund given for faulty ride-on mower bought online? There is a legal 14-day cooling-off period with online purchases, however returns might be at the buyer's cost
Do I have to pay the full CFE business tax this year? There is a tax exemption for businesses with a very small turnover and depending on location, a special two-thirds reduction linked to Covid
The state to look after my father? My elderly parents and I live in France, although I work abroad for most of the year. My parents have small UK state pensions but my father who suffers from dementia is unable to look after himself. If my mother dies first or becomes incapable of looking after him, will the French system provide help? AB
Key questions when letting your property for summer As we enter summer and ‘high season’, many readers will be considering renting out their French homes or second properties to take advantage of the extra income, especially in popular tourist areas.
Owning property in France: tax queries to consider In this month's money column, Bill Blevins talks tax considerations to be aware of before buying property in France.
Second homeowners in France: Can I get a heat pump grant? Reader question, answered: Are heat pump grants only for residents of France?
Police warn against spread of counterfeit €20, €50 and €100 notes The spread of the notes in southeast France is ‘especially worrying’ in the run-up to Christmas, police said, and offered some tips on how to detect fakes
Hotel group boss to pay €4m to liquidators after Maranatha scandal Maranatha was once the fourth largest hotel group in France with 60 three- and four-star hotels, but was liquidated in 2017. Owners blamed the fall in tourists after the terror attacks in Paris
Parental leave allowance in France ‘should link to wages’ Parents currently receive a set €398.79 per month, but a report presented to government this autumn suggests it should instead reflect the parent’s salary, with a fixed ceiling
Seven money changes coming into effect in France in October From gas tariffs to unemployment benefit to Netflix subscriptions, we explain how your finances may be affected
Pandemic keeps French car and home insurance rises stable - until 2023 Car insurance policies could increase by up to 3% in 2023 after a period of stability linked to Covid
France 2022 budget: How could it affect your finances? Economy minister says 2022 provisional budget is like comté cheese...because it is solid and ‘doesn’t have any holes’
Scammed by a UK firm while in France - can I get money back? How can I get my money back if a UK-based firm scammed me while in France?
Back to school financial grant is on the way to 3 million French homes The amount depends on household income, number of children at school, and their age; and is intended to help with the rising cost of ‘la rentrée’
Millions in Europe hit by lack of Covid travel refunds, says EU court Travellers whose trips were cancelled due to the virus could run to the millions, with very few refunds having been issued even now, the EU has said in a damning new update
France ranks best in world for Master's degrees in finance French programmes have dominated the list for the past five years, scoring top marks for graduates securing high salaries and international job opportunities
Finding value in current markets Sponsored content: Investment insight by Andrew Hodson, Head of Investment Services at Strabens Hall
Victims of credit card fraud in France must be paid back within a day Financial authorities send reminder to banks after online payments and fraudulent transactions have soared due to Covid
An inflationary tale: is inflation on the rise again? Sponsored content: Investment insight by Andrew Hodson, Head of Investment Services at Strabens Hall
New laws and changes in France: May 2021 EU tyres will now show ice and snow information, gas prices will rise, newly-qualified teachers will receive an extra bonus and pay for unemployed people in training is increased
Households could save up to €180 a year with new electricity app Danish company Barry offers electricity at the price it buys it on the spot market, setting prices for 24 hours on the app
7 facts about tax in France that may surprise you Did you know that in recent years more than half of French households did not actually pay income tax?
French banks are not closing accounts of UK residents French banks are not closing accounts of people in the UK, after some British banks shutting accounts of Britons in France
Releasing equity from a French property: Viager mutualisé An alternative to the traditional ' viager' sale for older people looking to release money from their French homes is the ' viager mutualisé'
€500 help to set up website for small businesses in France Small businesses that had to close during the second confinement are eligible for a €500 grant to help them set up a website