Perpète-les-Oies and Petaouchnouk: origins of these bizarre French expressions Being familiar with such idioms can help to elevate your French to the next level
Il est or c’est: how to remember when to use the right expression in French Some key grammar rules can help with this sometimes-tricky French phrase
Nine idiomatic French expressions about your health There are plenty of French phrases to describe your illness whatever it is
practical Obligatory new French tests for some residency cards: is level too tough? The tests are reported to cost around €100 to take
Duck Cold! Four French phrases to use when it is freezing outside France's current cold spell is set to continue for the next few days - we remind you of French expressions to use to describe the drop in temperature
Festive French phrases and words for the Christmas period Joyeux Noël tout le monde - your vocabulary guide to get you through the festive season
Francophonie: countries with the most French speakers apart from France France is one of the top five most-spoken languages worldwide
Learning French: the many flexible uses of the word 'coup' The flexible word can be used with many different expressions
‘I was surprised by what my French students think of Britons’ Baked beans, dyed hair, a love of fish skin… You can be the judge of whether some of these surprising stereotypes from university students are valid or not
Six tongue twisters to test your French Stretch your tongue and your language skills with these difficult to pronounce virelangues
READER TIPS: How long should it take to learn French? The US government says it should take 600-750 classroom hours - but do our readers agree?
Tac, euh, bah: French language tics you hear every day Discover five words that French people use but that have no real meaning
How long should it take to learn French for everyday use? The US government says it should take 600-750 classroom hours to become proficient in French. Do teachers and learners agree? We find out.
Try swapping syllables in French words to sound like a native France has a rich history of wordplay, involving exchanging sounds in words and phrases, in literature, journalism and slang France’s humorous ‘February 29’ newspaper now available in newsstands What would you include if compiling a quiz about France? Eight ways to express surprise in French apart from Oh là là
Speak like a local: seven phrases specific to the north of France Il drache, bénache, biloute - try the language of the Ch’tis French language tests harden: what changes and how to know your level 10 French idioms based on food or cooking Eight French expressions around the word apple Reading - a tool for language acquisition: 5 French books for 2024 Understand the difference between quoique and quoi que in French
10 French phrases using péter in contexts you may not expect From expressing anger to calmness - to breaking wind - péter changes meaning depending on context
12 different ways to express anger and frustration in French Expressing frustration is an important aspect of everyday life in the country
5 French films to watch in December to improve your French With Christmas around the corner, it is the perfect time to cuddle up on the couch with a French film or two
Pk, bg, mdr: how many of these French text terms can you work out? Some may seem obvious but others are more difficult to decipher
Praise for French student who wrestled knife from attacker in Dublin President Macron contacted the 17 year-old to thank him for his bravery
Which documents require an official translator in France? In some cases a certified translation of a document is required, which must be undertaken by a traducteur agréé
French pianist who brought out an album aged 109 dies Colette Maze had been perfecting her skills for over a century
13 shortened words and phrases you will hear in spoken French The French language loves to shorten words, so here are a few to look out for
Five language ‘faux-amis’ that confused me as a French person in US Living in the United States led to various perplexing moments including asking for crème fraîche and being shown beauty creams, recalls Théophile Larcher
Grammar points to watch out for in spoken French French grammar can be stressful for language learners, but in reality it is no big deal
Six French films and series for November to help your language skills Language acquisition requires translating everyday parts of your life into French
10 French words and phrases that are untranslatable in English From yaourter to l’esprit d’escalier , here are some words that have no direct English equivalents
Weird French laws that are still technically valid in France Did you know all these things that you are not supposed to do in France?
12 facts about the French language From the longest word to its importance in European law, see how many you know
10 of the most difficult French words for English speakers to say From squirrel to kettle, these are words you might use on an everyday basis
A1, C2: What is the CEFR language rating in France? The scale is understood across Europe and even used by some governments
Why French journalists use four words when one would do If you wondered what phrases such as l'ovalie , La cité phocéenne or ‘ il a vu le jour ’ mean then you are the victim of an interesting if sometimes confusing cultural trait
C'est la sardine qui a bouché le port de Marseille Marseille - a ship, a very big sardine - and a stereotype
What is the deuxième degré and how can it help your French? Understanding the ‘second degree’ is key to improving your language skills
Five films or series to help improve your French this month We take a look at what's new on Netflix in August
Nonplussed by French numbers? C'est comme ça! Gain insight into the perplexing French compound words for numbers between 70 and 99
Where in France do people admit to drinking too much alcohol? More than a quarter of respondents in two western regions of France say they exceed recommended drinking guidelines
How to stay in touch with French culture when living in UK or US There are plenty of links to France all over the world - it is just knowing where to find them
Discount store Action is France’s favourite brand for the first time The low-price shop beat off competition from Decathlon and Leroy Merlin
Parlez-vous français? Nein danke, say the Germans In 2021/2022 less than one in seven German students chose to learn French
How can I watch French TV from abroad? Watching French TV can be a good way to brush up on your language skills while outside the country, but not all channels are accessible
France, a nation of complainers? Yes, but it’s a good thing We French are known for grumbling (and studies prove it to be true) but, argues Théophile Larcher, this belies the country’s high expectations and resilience
How well off are people in France? New studies try to find out Studies by the prime minister’s office attempt to answer why and how people’s spending varies and find that people in Paris earn more but are less well-off overall
Why do French people say petit juif for elbow and is it offensive? We look at the history of this expression which is becoming less common in everyday language
Why use anglicisms when we have perfectly good French words? Lazy ignorance and a desire to appear cool are impoverishing our language, argues French journalist Théophile Larcher
Don’t let age be an obstacle to pursuing better French Our brains may be slower but there are surprising advantages to learning a second language later in life, discovers Gillian Harvey
French you don’t learn at school: When jargon goes round the houses We look at the euphemisms employed by the French transport industry to announce delays and problems
Learning French: Five ways to push through the pain barrier Setbacks are inevitable, argues Nick Inman. The trick is to learn resilience at the same time
Five French words that we use in English…and vice versa Ever wondered about the origin of some French words used in English, and if they still mean the same thing? We look at some common terms
‘Avoir le seum’: Our French expression of the week After British newspaper The Sun was dubbed The Seum by some French football fans, we look at when the phrase may be used
Cordialement, amicalement: the nuances of email sign-offs in French The Connexion explains which formulas suit different scenarios and how trends are changing
Hein? A little word that helps you sound much more French We look at its meaning, when to use it and how to pronounce it ‘comme un Français’
Changer un cheval borgne pour un aveugle: French phrase of the week We look at an expression used to talk about problem-solving and bargaining gone wrong
How new arrivals in France can learn language I am moving to France soon and would like advice on free French language tuition or help towards funding lessons. I believe the state offered this. Is it possible and, if so, how can I start the process?
‘Une volée de bois vert’ and three other French phrases about trees Trees are in the news due to plans to ‘greenify’ Paris. We explore French expressions related to trees and wood…
‘Nuit blanche’, and other expressions with the word ‘white’ in French Paris’ famous Nuit Blanche festival takes place this Saturday. We explain the origins of the name and three other French expressions related to the colour white
‘Être la coqueluche’: A French phrase you may hear today Mayor of Grenoble Eric Piolle is set to appear in court accused of having a ‘whooping cough’ – but not in the literal sense. We look at what this means…
‘Train de sénateur’ and other French expressions you may hear To celebrate 40 years of the TGV, we explain some French idioms related to trains
‘En avoir ras-le-bol’ - A French expression you may hear today Le Pen supporters are said to have ‘ras-le-bol’ with her… We look at what this means
Schéma, rétablissement: 30 Covid-related terms you may hear in France From getting a test to showing your health pass, there are a whole host of words that have entered our vocabulary since the start of the pandemic
French tetraplegic DJ creates Paralympics closing music with eyes only DJ, rapper and music composer Pone said he ‘couldn’t say no’ when he was invited to create the dance-style mix for the Tokyo closing ceremony
Sécher les cours: A French expression you may hear today Today marks ‘la rentrée’ in France with over 12 million children returning to school. Here are three school-related French expressions you might hear - but hopefully not!
Faire feu de tout bois: A French expression you may hear today Health Minister Olivier Véran set out to ‘faire feu de tout bois’ against French anti-vaxers in a press conference yesterday. What does the expression mean?
Tous azimuts: A French expression you may hear today To find a path out of the Covid health crisis President Emmanuel Macron is – uncharacteristically – consulting ‘tous azimuts’. What does the expression mean?
Mettre un bémol: A French expression you may hear today The health minister has tried to mettre un bémol on suggestions the fourth wave of Covid-19 is drawing to a close in France. What does the expression mean?
Donner sa langue au chat: A French expression you may hear today A pet cat has gone missing on a flight from France to the US and the response from flight operators is to ‘donner sa langue au chat’. What does the expression mean?
Franglais ou Frenglish? The history of French resistance to English For centuries, purists of the French language have tried to root out alien English words and phrases. Michael Delahaye charts some of the milestones – or should that be pierres de kilométrage ?
Improve your French: The many ways to use 'on' The English translation of ' on ' as 'one' is just the tip of the linguistic iceberg when it comes to this common subject pronoun
Faux-amis: Avoiding language traps in French Look out for words in English and French that look the same but have very different meanings
Why the English language is more French than French Words such as age, art, dragon and miracle were all adopted from French into the English language during the renaissance
What is the right way to say 'Mars landing' in French As the Perseverance Rover descended to the red planet, here on Earth, the French question was whether it should be an atterrissage or an amarsissage
French linguist Alain Rey dies aged 92 Mr Rey loved language and was best-known as one of the original creators of the Le Robert dictionary
How to learn French online: Five YouTube videos to watch Watching free online videos can be an enjoyable way to improve your French. Here is our selection of YouTube channels to help you master la langue de Molière .