French village implements temporary road closures to protect frogs The initiative aims to save up to 50 amphibians per night from being crushed
Loud frogs spark neighbour row: how to handle noise problems in France Police were called in eastern France after neighbours of an elderly woman grew fed up with the noise of croaking frogs in her garden
Battle over frog noise in Dordogne not over The couple ordered to fill in their garden pond to stop the noise of frogs croaking disturbing neighbours say they will appeal.
practical Fears the Giant American bullfrog will damage native French wildlife ‘They eat anything, have no natural predator in France and are spreading’ says amphibian expert
Route in east France closed to allow frogs to mate safely A rural route in Grand Est will stay closed every night for almost a month so that amphibians can cross and reach nearby ponds where they reproduce
Road closed in Brittany to let frogs cross A road near the Côtes-d’Armor will be closed for three months so frogs can cross without getting squashed by traffic
End to eight-year battle over 'noisy frog' pond Neighbours had complained that they could 'no longer stand' the constant noise
Mythbuster: Only tourists eat snails and frogs legs Fact or Fake? In this regular column, we look at the ‘truths’ that everyone ‘knows’ about France
Frog chorus may cost €150,000 Judges have ordered a couple to pay €30,000 in damages and fill in a pond after neighbours’ complaints about noisy frogs...
Dordogne couple in pond row after ruling on frog noise A Dordogne couple has been ordered by a court to drain their natural pond because its frogs are too loud - but, because the frogs are protected, the couple also risks prison if they comply.