Now is the time for people in France to ‘scarify’ their lawn The practice, which should be done twice a year, enables the grass to thrive
Gardening in France: get set to be dazzled by dahlias March is the perfect time to plant these sun-loving tubers
Discover the charm of Menton lemons and how to grow citrons in France Sue Adams explores the rich history of France's only IGP-recognised lemon, celebrated annually at a vibrant festival
practical Guerrilla gardeners are greening France's urban areas Paris influencer shares tips to reclaim run-down public plots through the 'universal language' of gardening
Spring into plant swap season and visit a local French ‘TrocPlantes’ Columnist Sarah Beattie discovers the community spirit of swap events where gardeners exchange cuttings
Open Gardens France: Vibrant borders and crisp hedges in Mayenne After two years clearing rubbish and brambles, Edward Moss and David Marsh delight in sharing their ‘garden rooms’
Grass cuttings are no longer accepted at some public tips in France Increasing numbers of public déchetteries are asking you to take care of your cuttings at home
‘French gardeners love the Britishness of the Open Garden scheme’ Sue Lambert president of Jardins Ouverts talks afternoon tea, No Dig method and finding solace in her garden after losing her son
New obligatory home waste law in France: Eight tips for composting People must now sort their organic waste into a separate bin
Autumn leaves: Rules on what to do with garden waste in France It is illegal to burn garden waste in France (except if you are granted special permission by the mairie). We explore what to do with autumn and green garden waste instead
Is it legal to pay a tradesperson in cash in France? There are rules which dictate how to pay for work at your home
Plea to plant local flowers in your gardens in France Gardeners can play a significant role in helping to maintain the country’s biodiversity, a new study suggests
Why is the gardener for my French home costing more than I thought? Tax credits can assist with the cost of employing people at your home
French vegetable gardens offer fresh job prospects The Restos du Cœur charity is known for distributing food to people in need in France, it also runs a network of community gardens French garden diary: Sweet William the superpower Jardins Ouverts: Visit a Dordogne chateau and an English-style garden French garden diary: New roses bred for resistance
Lovely Limousin gardens to visit in June with Open Gardens scheme Gardeners across France throw open the gates to their private paradises - we explore two gems in Creuse and Haute-Vienne Three garden gems to visit in May: Vienne, Mayenne, Loire-Atlantique Snowdrop obsession and hellebore heaven - two French gardens to visit The French gardener inspired for 40 years by British winter planting Which products can I use to kill weeds in my French garden? How can I find a gardener in France who is allowed to use herbicides?
What are the options for employing a gardener in France? We look at the different ways to hire someone to help with your garden, the average cost and what tax credits you may be entitled to
French garden: choose drought tolerant daisies and echinacea Cathy Thompson tells us why she is hooked on the grassland plants of the North American prairie
Watch out for hedgehogs when clearing overgrowth in your French garden People doing work in their gardens this summer are warned to take care and watch out for animals such as hedgehogs and weasels, to avoid injuring or killing them
Private gardens created with passion to visit in Brittany and Provence Two hosts who are ‘mad’ about rare plants and design welcome visitors to their gardens in August for the Jardins Ouverts charity
Holiday home gardens in France fall victim to Brexit 90-day rule We look at solutions and prices to keep on top of your French second home garden including self-employed gardeners, solar-powered lawnmowers and how La Poste could help
Open gardens in France - show off your garden or visit one near you The charitable Open Gardens/Jardins Ouverts scheme is looking for gardeners in France to open their gardens, large and small, to the public
France lockdown: Can gardeners work at clients' homes? The government has published a list of which professional activities can continue to be carried out at clients' homes
France lockdown: Can I go to a home/garden shop 50km away? Shopping for essentials is permitted, with no travel or time limits
Gardeners in France: why you shouldn't mow your lawn weekly Landscape gardener Eric Lenoir refuses to systematically mow lawns for clients, saying it is better to let the grass grow.
Warning in France over poisonous plants in shops and in the wild Common plants and herbs accidentally used in cooking or homemade cosmetics can be toxic and even fatal to humans and pets, the French food safety agency has warned
Why you might see your neighbours gardening naked this weekend The annual day is intended to remind people of the links between humans and nature, and provide a fun outlet for naturists, of which there are two million in France
It is planting season in France: Why plant bare root? Cathy Thompson's tips on bareroot planting in your French garden this autumn
Uncertain future for historic Ile-de-France allotments Expanding Paris is threatening gardens which, for over a century, have been oases of green, reports Mike Diliën
French innovation: Plant pot system reduces water use by 70% A French company has developed a resource-friendly system for watering plants based on designs first used up to 4,000 years ago in China.
Seed library opens in south France to inspire local growth A library in the south of France is to open a “seed library”, allowing borrowers to barter and exchange a wide variety of seeds, including for flowers, herbs, and vegetables.
How to prepare for and cultivate top tulips in France Tulip lover Cathy Thompson on planning ahead and finding a cultivar to suit.
Europe's largest Japanese garden is must-see French marvel Connexion reveals the fascinating history of the Parc Oriental de Maulévrier and talks to its head gardener.
The best plants to grow in France to deter mosquitoes As summer temperatures soar across France mosquitoes can become a major issue. But what if you could plant flowers that keep the insects away naturally? You can. We explore the best plants to grow now.
What to do if your neighbours are burning garden waste In our monthly column Legal Notes, reader questions are answered and explained.
Gardeners in France asked to help hedgehogs in new campaign People with gardens in France are being encouraged to look out for hedgehogs, in a new campaign to raise awareness of the animal’s continuing decline, with some predictions saying they could be extinct by 2050.
What to do if your pool turned green during lockdown Owners arriving later than usual at holiday homes, as European travel restrictions lift, may have the bad experience of finding their pool has turned green.
The story behind artist Monet's great passion: water lilies How to mimic Monet’s pond life: Cathy Thompson on a chance encounter and the artist’s passion for water lilies.
RE-OPENS TODAY: Explore the gardens of Les Jardins Secrets From tumbleweed farm to Jardin Remarquable – Connexion marvels at the extraordinary Jardins Secrets.
Our pick of top 3 Open Gardens/Jardins Ouverts 2020 Despite Open Gardens being halted, Jane Hanks still discovers the passion and skill behind three great jardins.
Why you should plant some pants in your garden in France People with gardens in France are being encouraged to bury a pair of cotton pants to check the health of the soil, in a new ecological campaign.
Gardeners in France asked not to cut hedges Environmental associations are asking people with gardens not to trim any hedges or prune trees until the end of July in order to protect birds.
French garden diary: Lilac love has roots in Lorraine Cathy Thompson has some serious horticultural heritage right on her doorstep
Grower’s digest: April 2020 Tips and tricks for gardeners indoors and out. This month: Space-saving potager, jobs for the garden, and pampered pooches...
Tomato fear as high-risk virus found in Brittany Gardeners are being warned to be aware of a high-risk and fast-spreading virus affecting tomatoes, peppers and chillies that could devastate all production.
Changing the way the French buy flowers The Connexion meets two inspirational home-grown floral fanatics trying to change the way the French buy flowers
Grower’s digest – March 2020 Tips and tricks for gardeners indoors and out. This month: go potty for pots, March’s jobs, mud-free soles…..
French garden diary - primrose primula perfection Cathy Thompson explains her enduring passion for the humble primrose
Incurable tomato virus found in France for first time A highly-contagious plant infection with no known cure - dubbed the “tomato virus” - has been confirmed in a farm in north-west France, making it the first known case ever in the country.
Invasive worm now in 75% of France, study shows The invasive flatworm the Obama Nungara has now spread into two thirds of departments in France, according to a new study, with researchers saying it may threaten biodiversity and soil health.
Annual garden bird count in France this weekend Birdwatchers get ready: French bird protection society la Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO) has launched its annual garden bird counting event for the eighth year running.
French garden diary – Orchids Science behind orchids’ triumph. Cathy Thompson on micro-propagation plus how to care for indoor beauties
Grower’s digest - January 2020 Tips and tricks for gardeners indoors and out. This month: lemon entry, garden trends and winter bargains....
British couple’s sustainable success with permaculture The Connexion meets a hands-on couple in Brittany who have achieved permaculture success and improved biodiversity
Plant species given Breton lifeline Jane Hanks visits a unique botanical conservation centre in Brittany that is saving exotic plants from extinction
French garden diary – October 2019 Peat-free composting starts now: October sees Cathy Thompson planning a peat revolution.. and you can join her
Grower’s digest - October 2019 Tips and tricks for gardeners indoors and out. This month: plant your winter bulbs, jam–making, and an elephant’s foot plant
The future of natural weed killers Cathy Thompson on working without Roundup, plus a recipe for courgette gluts
Garden risk Writing as a lifelong gardener, it appals me that anyone is still using glyphosate-based products, such as Roundup, in the garden and thereby putting themselves, their families, friends and domestic animals at risk.
Grower’s digest - September 2019 Tips and tricks for gardeners indoors and out. This month: an hedge-trimmer, a bulb moment, pear time and another Instagram garden
Open Gardens: dedicated to a Mayenne attraction The Connexion meets a former doctor who has worked tirelessly to create her dream garden in Pays de la Loire
French garden diary - September 2019 Mrs Bean and autumn planting - Cathy Thompson on her correspondence from Connexion-reading gardeners
Green-fingered ways to adapt to Mediterranean climate Are you struggling to get your garden to flourish?
Respecting distances in our French garden We plan to work on our garden and want to know more about distance rules we must respect in relation to planting trees near to the boundary with our neighbour. There is a wall separating our two properties. As long as the roots do not disturb this wall, are we OK to plant quite close to it? F.L
Grower’s digest - June 2019 Tips and tricks for gardeners indoors and out. This month: some shade for the summer, smart gardening and limited mobility gardening
French garden diary - June 2019 A female rose by any other name - Cathy Thompson on variety names and flowers that flourish in her own garden
Can I still use a glyphosate weedkiller in my garden? I have several containers of glyphosate herbicide in stock which I plan to use in my garden. However I have read conflicting information about this, some of which says that it is banned in France. I thought a ban had been put off for several years. Can you clarify? P.T.
Gloves off! World Naked Gardening Day is tomorrow Tomorrow (Saturday May 4) is World Naked Gardening Day, which takes place each year on the first Saturday in May, and invites gardeners to garden nude, in a move to appreciate their own bodies.
French garden diary - May 2019 ’Tis the season for tender loving. Cathy Thompson reveals her choice of May veg, and gives seasonal flower tips
Gorgeous gardens to enjoy in May As the Anglo-French association Open Gardens gets set for summer, The Connexion recommends three joyful jardins
Grower’s digest - May 2019 Tips and tricks for gardeners indoors and out. This month: hanging chairs, shed tax, and coco shells…
France homeowners warned on forest fire land clearing Homeowners in France are reminded that in some regions and for certain properties, it is a legal requirement to carry out a “brush clearing” of surrounding countryside land, to help prevent forest fires.
Invasive Brazilian worm spreading fast across France The Brazilian worm the Obama Nungara is spreading rapidly across France, as some researchers say that it threatens biodiversity, and a new study is asking the public to send live worms to be studied.
French garden diary - April 2019 How do your tall grasses grow? Cathy Thompson gives her tips for creating elegant textures using tall grasses