France extends boiler replacement grants New incentives offer larger grants for modest-income households to switch to efficient heating systems
Why do many think wood-fired boilers will be banned in France - and is it true? A new poll found that a majority of people believe a ban on wood-fired boilers and stoves will come into force from 2027
Bordeaux to spend €10m helping residents replace old fire heating systems Old wood-burning stove heating systems contribute more to air pollution than cars
practical When is ‘chauffage collectif’ (communal heating) switched on in France? Around one in five people have a communal heating system
Why wood pellet prices are falling in France - and will it continue? Bags of pellets are now up to three times cheaper than they were at the peak of 2022
Time is ticking to benefit from energy-saving government grant in France The Coup de pouce Pilotage scheme, worth up to €624, runs out in December
Points to consider if heating your French home with fuel oil We cover money-saving tips, market variables and alternatives
Wood burning stoves: what are the rules in France? Homeowners must follow the requirements of insurance companies and government standards
Act soon if applying for wood heating grant in France as aid to drop The means-tested support to switch heating systems will be cut by 30% in April
Is it correct that France wants to crackdown on open fires in homes? Rumours of a proposed ban in 2025 have gained traction on social media
What is the ‘plan thermostat’ for all homes in France? It relates to equipping automatic heating and cooling systems with temperature regulators
Heating oil and wood pellet prices lower than last year in France The steep rises seen in autumn have already subsided
Boost the warmth from a wood stove in your French home Stove fans let you direct heat away from a fireplace and around the room
‘Mairie to rescue when no engineers found for my dodgy French boiler’ Writer Samantha David left with problem when her regular repair man was off sick Wood pellet stoves in France: prices, types, aid, advice What has led to France’s u-turn over gas boiler ban? U-turn expected on gas boiler ban in France
France offers more money to households replacing their old boilers The government has increased the financial help available for replacing old boilers with new, eco-friendly models. Who is eligible for the aid? Health checks, Covid vaccine drive: 5 practical updates from France Get paid to heat your French home with IT processing radiators How do I dispose of old fioul oil if change heating system in France? What happened to France’s ban on restaurant terrace heaters? See the French houses which align with sun's movements to save energy
Carte Vitale, heating engineer: beware of these scams in France We look at some of the fraudulent schemes that have been reported recently
Travel strikes, face masks, wood heating aid: The week ahead in France The European Court of Human Rights will also rule on whether Éric Zemmour’s 2017 conviction for inciting hatred based on religion undermined his freedom of expression
Why is the heating always on in our French apartment building? We look at how collective heating systems work in copropriété shared ownership apartment blocks
Electricity, gas, wood, oil: do you qualify for heating aid in France? We recap the different state support schemes on offer to help with rising energy bills
Best value heating options, renovation issues: French property updates We also look at an app which warns of impending power cuts, the pensioner ‘conned’ into an unfair sale and a municipal chateau that locals cannot bear to get rid of
No heating or hot water for 1,500 homes in France after strike Workers at the GRDF deny being the cause of the issues, and said their low wages were a ‘profound injustice’ – but one resident said the service was ‘shameful’
Tax rise for home pools, market slowdown: Five French property updates We also look at a case of ‘tacit’ planning permission gone wrong and support for fining people who turn their heating up too high
Log purchases, wood pellets: what help is France proposing for homes? A new €230million support package has just been passed by France’s Assemblée nationale
Winter tyres, heating oil, fuel: 10 November dates to note in France From increased government support to taxe d’habitation payment deadlines to Black Friday, we look at key dates coming up in France
New warning over wood pellet scams in France Police in France have warned people to beware of scams when ordering wood pellets online, amid reports of fake websites usurping legitimate businesses’ brand names
Heating in flats, solar panels, price rises: French government Q&A Spokesperson Olivier Véran also says measures are being firmed up to help people who use heating oil or wood
Scam alert: Too good to be true home firewood offers in France Warning signs include markedly low prices and fast delivery offers, during a period of rising costs and slower deliveries caused by soaring demand
Wood pellet shortages in France cause prices to soar Stocks are ‘under tension’, say experts, with more people using the pellets for fuel and many starting to prepare for winter earlier than ever this year
Homeowners applying for French renovation grants will need consultant From next year many homeowners must get the help of a registered consultant to guard them against fraud or faulty work
Home heating system uses ‘sunshine’ paint invented in France The revolutionary paint emits infrared waves which warm a room like sunshine - company says it is cheaper than traditional heating
Can I still get an oil boiler in my French home if no other option? It has been illegal to install new oil-fired boilers in France since July 1 this year but one reader signed a quote for one last year
Is it possible to install an instant water heater in my French house? You have several options to choose from depending on where your house was built and what your annual water consumption is
French grants covered 30% costs to replace my old oil-fired boiler A French resident describes how she got €5,300 worth of subsidies to upgrade her home’s heating system
What do we do if we have not had our French energy cheque yet? The cheques were sent out in April to help lower income households cope with rising energy bills
How to heat your home through France’s district heating network More than two million properties use a local réseau de chaleur. Prices are not affected by global events as the power is produced locally
Extra €1,000 available in grants to replace a gas boiler in France The measure is part of an economic plan to help mitigate rising energy costs caused by the Ukraine war. The offer runs until the end of 2022
Polluting outdoor restaurant terrace heaters now banned in France The ban is expected to save 500,000 tonnes of CO2 per year but some restaurateurs fear that it will affect their business
People in France urged to reduce energy use in case of Russian cuts Energy bosses say they are preparing for an ‘unprecedented’ scenario and a possible energy ‘emergency’ next winter. Here are 10 ways to reduce your energy consumption
Can I get French tax credit for a wood-burning stove? I want to buy a wood-burning stove – is this eligible for a tax credit? We’ve had mixed information from different people.
Second homeowners in France: Can I get a heat pump grant? Reader question, answered: Are heat pump grants only for residents of France?
Home renovation grants in France extended for 2022: Who can benefit? MaPrimeRénov grants can fund up to 90% of work to improve household insulation, ventilation and heating systems. Here is how to apply
France plans to boost greener home wood burners with extra grants A target of a 50% reduction in fine particle carbon emissions by 2030 has been set. Theses emissions account for up to 8% of deaths in heavily polluted areas
New laws and changes in France: October 2020 Gas prices are going up, there are new regulations for heating, and financial support for thermal renovations. Plus, carers are now eligible for three-month breaks.
Lake water used to heat homes in SE France In summer, the system can be used to keep the same properties cool
What can I have an eco tax credit for? What home improvements are now eligible for a tax credit? It seems to have changed a lot recently. G.T.
French flats warmed by passing Metro trains Tenants of a social housing building in Paris are saving on their heating bills as it has been adapted to be warmed by passing trains on the Metro.
Regular heater checks can save lives and cash Making sure your heating boiler is working properly is an important task before winter – being both a legal obligation and vital for your family’s safety.
Act quickly for energy-efficient boiler grant aid I am told that there is state aid available to change a boiler to a more energy-efficient one. Is this being carried forward to 2018 and, if so, what are the rules to be able to benefit? J.M.
Health agency warns of carbon monoxide dangers People have been warned by Santé Publique France to ensure heaters are working properly and not giving off fatal gas.
Heat from computer servers warms homes Why spend money cooling giant computer servers when it can give residents hot water instead?
Insurance to cover heat pump We have a new-build house and I am planning to fit a heat pump to cut our heating and hotwater costs. What insurance will cover the work being done? M.T.