France plans crackdown on fraud around obligatory energy ratings for homes All homes being sold or let need an up-to-date DPE
AI finds ‘soaring’ cases of fraud in French home renovation applications More than 40,000 cases were detected in 2024, the housing agency states
How much do energy efficiency renovations cost in France? Owners will want to ensure properties improve by at least two DPE ratings, increasing the work and cost needed
news PHOTOS: the French house that looks like a yacht and is on sale for €2.2m Couple with a love for sailing want to sell their dream riverside home
A guide to renting a flat or house in France: 14 questions We look at some vital questions to help new and existing tenants find their way on the French rental market
‘Check your rent is not too high’: Mixed reaction to new Paris poster The campaign contributes to the ‘clichéd, outdated caricature of the chubby, arrogant landlord’, one property specialist says
Where are the 3,000 local bridges reported to have structural faults in France? Too much road traffic, climate change, a lack of maintenance and repair are all factors
How France's high-rise housing solution to post-war boom became an urban nightmare The grands ensembles, high-rise public housing units, were meant to provide desperately needed accommodation in big cities in the 1950s but the plan was abandoned only two decades later
Big drop in permits for new homes to be built in France Permits for single-family homes are down by almost a quarter year-on-year
Homeowners in France at risk of being sued by subcontractors If the main contractor fails to pay up, the property owner may be liable, a new ruling confirms
French renovation firms invented ‘norms’ to con homeowners into work Victims lost an average of €8,000 but some lost much more
Property energy rating system in France eased (a little) Smaller properties are to have their DPE calculated differently so their rating more accurately ‘reflects reality’, the government says
Hundreds of estate agents close in France as property sales plummet Last year saw the lowest house sales for at least 50 years, and 2024 may not be much better, experts say
France's way of tracking undeclared pools is unfair, says report The aerial photography system in use since 2021 is not applied in the same way all over the country Family house in France must be demolished despite planning permission Tips for negotiating down house prices in France Swimming pools: How to check you are within tax rules in France
€9m of goods not delivered as Habitat France seeks liquidation The company has been warning of financial trouble for months, and administrators have now called for its liquidation, leaving thousands of orders unfulfilled How Paris plans to crackdown on second homes and empty properties Tips to avoid home renovation scams in France Habitat France shops at risk as firm faces financial issues Former policeman accused of renting out 100 slum flats in Marseille Number of building permits issued in France continues to fall
Explainer: Rights and obligations for shared garden walls in France What work can you do on your side and what are the shared costs and responsibilities?
Many homeowners still ‘better off’ with France's new local tax system This is despite significant rises to one tax. We also look at changes to eco-friendly grants in France and prices in Paris in our weekly roundup of property articles
Capital gain tax win for couple who move 9 times in 12 years in France Court finds in their favour over renovations. We also look at a ‘haunted’ castle for sale and rent control plans for south-west France in our Thursday property round-up
Deadly French holiday home fire: Gîte ‘had not passed safety checks’ Eleven people were killed in the blaze
The Paris suburb housing estate that is like no other in France Merlan was developed by international architects after World War Two to provide affordable housing to families dispossessed by bombing
Make sense of local rules governing planning permission around France The Plan Local d’Urbanisme determines what can be built where, to what height, and, more importantly, what cannot be built - but only half of rural communes have one
Number of new housing projects in France ‘at lowest level since 2010’ The slowdown is due to fewer building permits being issued and the rising cost of construction materials, says a French federation of property developers
France first as ex-jail set to transform into student accommodation Students should have little problem locking themselves away to study
Is your French property in newly declared drought ‘disaster’ zones? If so, you can claim compensation for any damage. We explain how and what to do if you are out of the country
Securing sole ownership of a house in France from an ex Matthew Cameron of Ashtons Legal answers a reader query on how to become sole owner of a property from an ex
Pool building ban, landlords lose Pau appeal and other property news We also look at a Dordogne castle for sale with a grisly backstory, how Macron’s pension reforms will impact mortgages and more
Minister ‘open’ to seizing empty homes for people in need in France A housing association has called for empty properties to be requisitioned where needed, with the law already allowing it where low-income people are ‘disadvantaged’ by low housing supply
Moves to improve compensation for drought damage in homes in France New rules are set to boost compensation by 15% for properties that are damaged slowly and gradually by repeated ‘natural disaster’ droughts
Algae farm windows help French flats go green The initiative allows firms to make money from harvesting the crop while at the same time reducing energy consumption in the building
French property in 2022 and 2023 predictions: Low sales, rising prices New figures show 2022 trends, and notaire experts look ahead to next year
French property: empty offices identified as urban housing solution Notaires believe planning regulation should be amended to make conversions easier
Garden tree rules, building on farmland: Five French property updates We also look at taking out a mortgage on a property you buy with a friend and why a tenant lost a court case against their landlord after falling out a window
French man faces legal battle over yurts he rents for free to families The 60-year-old from near Nantes says he was forced to act due to skyrocketing rent prices. His local mairie says he must dismantle the yurts as he does not have a building permit
French property: How long after buying can I claim for hidden faults? Discovering problems is disappointing but under certain conditions you can claim expenses from previous owners
Village in west France halves housing land prices to attract newcomers The building plots are being sold at just €7.50 in the remote village, after the Mairie has struggled to attract newcomers for the past 10 years
How do we connect our French holiday home to public drainage? Speaking to the local mairie in order to obtain authorisation is the first step and they might also be able to recommend a firm to carry out the work
Artisans in France must inform clients of planning permissions France’s top court has ruled that artisans have an obligation to give honest advice to their clients
How long does planning permission last? If you obtain planning permission to build a house, how long is it valid for? J.V.
May I apply for social housing and, if so, how? How do you go about applying for council / social housing and can you have one if you are not French? SG
Second home in France: Why such a rise in our taxe foncière? Whilst there has been no particular change this year for second home-owners in France concerning taxe foncière , there are a few useful points to note
Has planning permission for greenhouses changed in France? Legislation regarding greenhouses has not changed since 2008 and even if it had, the construction would not become illegal retrospectively
What can I do in France about the derelict house next door? Abandoned property in France must be looked after by its owner, however if the situation is more complicated it is usually the mairie’s responsibility
Help for replacing an old oil boiler with a heat pump in France? There are various options available with both the removal ('dépose') of an old boiler and then the purchase of the 'new pompe à chaleur'
What is meant in French law by 'moveable' or 'immoveable property'? All forms of property (' biens' ) are either moveable ' biens meubles' or immoveable ' immeubles'
Key questions when letting your property for summer As we enter summer and ‘high season’, many readers will be considering renting out their French homes or second properties to take advantage of the extra income, especially in popular tourist areas.
Second homes in France: Where is most popular? The Haute-Alpes has the highest percentage of French-owned second homes, with the Var the most popular department in absolute terms - but Paris most impacted by “the Airbnb effect”, figures show.
French buy-to-let scheme is changing but 'don’t rush to invest now’ The Pinel scheme, launched in 2014, is one of a number of initiatives to reduce housing shortages in France and offers tax refunds to investors on property built for the rental market
French property: Buyers paying estate agent fees could save cash A counter-intuitive aspect of French property transactions means that buyers might save money overall if they pay the estate agent’s fees – by saving on notaire costs
Protests against second homes in Brittany as housing debate continues Protester demands include only allowing permanent residents to buy housing, and a limit on short-term rentals - but one local official called the stance ‘an attack on individual property’
New-builds in France from 2021 must feature walk-in showers From next year, all new French houses should either have a walk-in shower or plumbing ready for one to be later installed
'Paradise island' for sale for €1.5m in Côtes-d'Armor, Brittany A small island off Brittany’s north coast, accessible only by boat and described as 'a corner of paradise', is on sale for €1,575,000
France’s winter housing eviction truce to begin on November 1 The trêve hivernale makes it illegal for landlords to evict tenants during the winter months in most situations
Vendors in France warned ‘hidden defect’ clause not always guaranteed A recent court case focusing on asbestos in a roof has thrown new light on how the ‘hidden defect’ (vice caché) clause in house contracts can be used when faults are in plain sight
‘Hobbit’ housing grows with trend in France for low-impact living They may look like something from a Tolkien fantasy novel, but more and more dome houses are cropping up around the country as house-buyers increasingly favour their ecological construction
'Covid showed us that city life in France has its drawbacks' In a new six-part series, we speak to people whose property priorities have changed dramatically since moving to France
Who to contact in France if unable to find past taxe foncière details? If you are being asked what taxe foncière you have been paying on a property but unable to trace any payments, there are certain offices in France you can contact
French housing minister sparks debate over future of detached houses Emmanuelle Wargon described detached houses with gardens as being an unsustainable model, despite a survey finding that 75% of people in France dream of living in just such houses
'Why can’t France cherish what the world loves about their country?' 'France cannot remain stuck in the past, a theme park for tourists, but it seems determined to erase the very features that made it the world’s most popular tourist destination'
French property: Who is responsible for the upkeep of a shared wall? Partner article: Shared wall upkeep should be split fairly with neighbours, unless it has been damaged by one of the parties or one of the people wants to sell it off
Solar panel installation trend in France is to sell back the surplus Solar power, both from large installations and domestic ones, now accounts for around 7% of electricity production in France
French farmhouse renovation: How to bring to life redundant spaces Overhauling a hayloft into an apéro patio on a budget can transform an area of neglect into a favourite place to sit and eat
Abandoned French chateau to be sold by auction - starting at €90,000 Château de Nescus, not far from the Spanish border, was formerly used as a summer camp (‘colonie de vacances’) for Parisian school children
Online estate agents in France widen horizons for house-hunters This French DIY property market kicked off with ' Particulier à Particulier' (PAP) magazine 45 years ago, where sellers would pay for an advert and do the rest themselves
Home sale cancelled after chicken farm next door concealed by sellers Judges have backed a couple’s claim that smell and flies from a chicken farm were reason enough for them to cancel their purchase of a house
How to include a French holiday home in a UK will? John Kitching, a director of French Law Consultancy Limited, answers a reader query on options for those with property in France but living and building a will in the UK
French homeowners face long wait for swimming pools as demand soars Installers’ order books are filled for months in advance - but a pool is not only good to use but can be a sound investment to raise property value
The key to finding a good locksmith in France Look for a locksmith 'serrurier' who owns a shop and works in collaboration with networks of lock manufacturers, such as Point Fort Fichet or Bricard
State to buy houses on Nantes Atlantique airport flightpath Up to 48 houses are to be bought by the state because they are under flightpaths to Nantes Atlantique airport
Can I challenge a neighbour's extension plan in France? Sarah Bright-Thomas of Bright Avocats answers a reader query on what a property owner can do if they disagree with a neighbour's new extension
How to check what help is available to renovate property in France Advice and financial aid for residents and second-home owners is on offer at a national and a local level. Here's how to find out more
Paris down, provinces up: Covid-19 upends French housing market New property trends are being seen across France with much more property interest in the suburbs and rural areas
Brexit ‘to cost us €150,000 more in tax to sell our second home’ Stricter non-EU rules are being applied post-Brexit concerning capital gains on property sales in France
Co-living finally catches on after a decade of resistance in France Investors, including the French state bank Bpifrance, are putting money into co-living projects in France after 10 years of resisting the concept
Lyon allows first official squat in building awaiting renovation The city says 50 squatters who have been there for two years can stay legally until June 2022 while renovation plans are finalised
Can we divide our plot in France to sell part for building land? Five documents usually need to be approved, certain experts needs to be consulted as well as a go-ahead from the mairie