French communes offer help for low-income residents to go on holiday The means-tested scheme is thought to be the first of its kind and aims to help 10,000 people
Do we need to declare small income from work at second-home to France? Reader ran short craft courses but lives in UK
Confirmed: French income tax bands will rise to avoid higher bills The increase will be one of the largest in recent years, linked to steep cost-of-living rises
practical Explained: the ‘parts’ system for tax in France We explain how this and the regime allows married couples and larger families to pay a reduced amount of French income tax
More GP strikes expected in France after proposed fee rise is rejected Unions say the proposal of an increase from €25 to €26.50 for a standard consultation is ‘not acceptable’ after months of negotiations
How much money do you need for a ‘decent life’ in France? We speak to the economist who calculated the monthly income needed for couples, families, single or retired people
French visas: no rise in income levels for Britons, says official A diplomatic source says recent claims of a change in the amount needed for retirees are not correct
Automatic payment trialled for French housing and income top-up aids Many benefits remain unclaimed by those eligible for reasons such as perceived stigma or living far from Caf benefits offices
SNCF announces pay rises after strikes in France, unions want more The operator has offered a real term salary increase of between 2.2 and 3.7%, depending on the role
Nine changes for residents in France in June 2022 Tax declaration deadlines, legislative elections, greater life insurance tariff transparency and changes for people unable to open a bank account
How do I declare my UK government income in French tax form? Reader asks after being unable to find where to enter tax already paid in last year’s declaration
French income declaration: How do you note a redundancy payment? This depends on the firm’s convention scheme and the amount of redundancy paid. We explain the details
France’s income support benefit set to rise: who can claim it? The aid, aimed at low-to-moderate earners, is to be boosted from April 1
Emails from French DGFiP about €100 inflation bonus – are they scams? Several readers have asked whether emails detailing a bonus payment due to them from the tax services are genuine. Here we explain what to look for to check €100 French inflation bonus: Foreign pension income not applicable UK state pensioners can now get France’s €100 inflation bonus First €100 inflation bonus payments to be made in France this week
Foreign pension income and France's €100 inflation bonus There are two unresolved issues concerning the possible payment of the bonus to those whose incomes come from abroad. We explain Covid France: Boom in private garden rentals for alfresco events French property investment simulator goes online Will I still owe French income tax despite my instalments? Small business and tax advice: régime réel incomes explained Are you rich? New report defines what ‘rich’ means in France
Income tax in France: what is form 2041E? In our monthly money column you'll find advice on important financial matters in France. In the June issue, Hugh MacDonald explains form 2041E in relation to income tax, and much more.
The difference between ‘lawful’ and ‘tax’ residence This column is by Bill Blevins of Blevins Franks financial advice group ( ). He has decades of experience advising expatriates in France and co-authored the Blevins Franks Guide to Living in France
Carpenter’s low-income halts French nationality bid A carpenter who has spent 27 years in France has spoken of his disappointment after being turned down for French nationality because his business had a bad year.
'Half-price homes' sites in Paris revealed A total 500 new apartments will be ready to buy in 2022 - but would-be purchasers must meet strict criteria
Location, location rules in France’s viager market The market for selling properties en viager is growing steadily – partly as a result of an increasing number of sales to viager mutualisé funds.
How is income from UK assets taxed in France? Most British expatriates who live in France continue to own some UK assets, whether they be bank accounts, shares or property, as well as pension funds.
I earned €150 a month with my French home’s pool It is only November but one home-owner is already thinking of next summer and her swimming pool – and how to rent it out after earning €150 a month doing just that this year.
€300 pay rise means nothing for teachers Teachers are to get an annual pay rise averaging €300 next year but unions have said that, with inflation, it equates to no extra in pay packets.
So just how much do the French neighbours earn? You can find out what your neighbours earn, more or less, with a new website offered by national statistics agency Insee.
What changes in France in October 2019 Lower gas prices, simplified retirement saving plans, and new rules on lifts in buildings are among some of the changes starting this month in France.
How is UK dividend income taxed for French residents? When our accountant declared our qualifying UK dividend income for 2018 this year, she did not enter the tax credit [listed in the notes to the tax forms] for UK dividend income of 17.7% that I thought was allowed. Is there, in fact, no tax credit to be deducted? Are dividends received in the UK received gross or net of tax? Is there still an abatement of 40% in France and, if so, how is this applied? We live in France. J.H.
Study: French people taking retirement later and later French people are taking retirement at an increasingly older age, a new study has found, with the average age now approaching 63, a rise of two months compared to the the previous year.
Ranking: Best 50 best towns in France to retire to A list of the best 50 towns to retire to in France has been created, with two coastal Gironde towns coming in first place, followed by Cannes, Arles, and Vannes - and Saint-Malo in 10th place.
‘No change to France retirement age’ after backlash There will be no change to the minimum retirement age in France, the health minister has confirmed, despite having previously suggested that “a lengthening in the duration of work” may be possible.
Government plans 'universal benefits' income plan At least 5million people would be affected by the planned reforms
Can I become French if my job income is from abroad? Connexion journalist Oliver Rowland answers the multiple diverse questions of whether one can become French if they're job income is from abroad.
'Forgotten' French retirees march for buying power Thousands of retired people in France have marched in Paris to call for government measures to boost their buying power, claiming they have been “forgotten” despite their living costs “continuing to rise”.
French teachers’ protest group growing An “angry teacher” protest group launched on Facebook in mid-December has grown to around 64,000 members – one in every 14 teachers.
Carte de séjour refused to Briton due to low income A reader from north west France who runs a gardening business as a micro-entrepreneur has been refused a carte de séjour because her income is too low.
Declaring UK rental income in France Clarification on declaring UK rental income on French income declaration
'Tax net giants to give every 18-year-old €50k' Possible PS leadership candidate suggests tax on high-tech multinationals would pay for universal 'bonus'
Universal income of €1,000/month to be tested Crowdfunding campaign pays for test to see if idea is viable – but only for three candidates
Will loan payments pose problem? I am preparing to apply for French citizenship. One section of the form relates to income. Part of my income is from a loan repayment from a limited company: it is not declared in the UK or France. If the examiners of my application compare French bank statements with French tax returns, they will see a difference – could it pose a problem? G.P.
Do I have to claim exemption from the taxe foncière? Can you please explain how older people may qualify for an exemption from the taxe foncière? Is it automatic or do I have to claim it? I am 75 but last winter I had to pay tax of more than €1,000. S.G.
Sterling exchange rate for 2016 income Find out the average exchange rate for your income tax declaration
What to do if your tax bill is higher than you expected IF YOU completed your tax declaration in May, you can look forward to receiving your avis d’impôts this month. If everything is as expected you can relax until next May, comfortable that you have paid your contribution to the great republic. If, however, the tax man demands more than you anticipated, the question is: what next?
Higher penalties if you own up to foreign bank accounts Penalties have been increased for people who own up to having bank accounts abroad that they had not previously declared.
Declaring a police pension Reader's query on how to declare duty pension to ensure they're not taxed on it in France.
Refunds on social charges Reader's query on whether they should constantly keep asking for refunds on social charges.