French tax officials have extra ‘weapons’ to challenge suspicious declarations Taxpayers may be asked for further evidence or explanations to justify expenses or credit claims
Millions to get email from French tax officials: be sure to read it If the information contained is wrong and you do not take action you could be fined
Eight reasons to be cheerful about French income tax in 2024 New tax credits and a ‘super’ allowance for some furnished rentals are among the plus points
news What are the deadlines for French tax returns in 2024? Several deadlines exist depending on where you live
What is the ‘RFR’ figure used by French tax authorities? It is a requirement to complete a French tax return each year, the statement will show the results of this
French tax inspectors get more power to check if you make money online Informers can set up fake profiles on Facebook, Airbnb and Leboncoin and earn cash rewards to expose undeclared income
Key changes for income and property tax in France in 2024 Increase in both property taxes could hit households but income tax band changes are favourable to most - and some beneficial schemes have been renewed
See: The new income tax bands for France We show the thresholds that apply for 2023 income in the 2024 declaration
Reminder: December 6 is deadline to correct French tax declaration Many parts can still be modified if you made a mistake about your 2022 income
Ten million people in France to see tax debit on bank account today Unpaid tax on 2022 revenue is being withdrawn either in a lump sum or in four instalments
Do non-French residents pay social charges on letting income? You can check what if any payments you have made in your personal space on the French tax website
Is it too late to change French declaration of 2022 income? Honesty is the best policy when it comes to tax – and corrections will not usually lead to penalties
Scam warning as French tax authorities begin sending out refunds Here is how the refunds work and how to avoid falling victim to a swindle
You have filed your French tax return. What happens next? You can expect to receive a statement in late July or early August that will tell you whether you have tax to pay for 2022 France visas, residency cards, French tax: see Connexion help guides Should we have declared small UK state pensions if we live in France? France tax return: deadlines, acronyms explained, where to go for help
Reminder: The deadline for some French tax returns is next week Deadlines for online declarations are staggered by department. Paper declarations are earlier Does homeworking change rules for frontier workers who live in France? Must I register side activities for French business taxes and charges? Free phone help from accountants for French income tax declarations Five musts when you fill out your French tax return Income declarations in France: Key points on overseas bank accounts
Avoid income tax return errors by understanding the French system Partner article: Rob Kay from Blevins Franks explains the three sorts of income tax in France and what you must declare
When is the deadline for filing your French tax return? Online tax returns opened on Thursday (April 13). The deadline for completing them depends on where you live in France
France income tax return 2023: what is new this year as website opens? We summarise new points for this year’s declarations which cover 2022 income
What documents do I need to start my French income tax declaration? We look at which documents will help you to fill out your French tax declaration
French income declarations: average exchange rates for foreign income Worldwide income of residents in France and French property income of non-residents must be declared in euros to France
Need to declare income in France? Here is when and where you can do it French authorities have announced when the window for making 2022 income declarations will open and close
Should I cash in my UK pension when moving to France? Six criteria Partner article: Christopher Davenport from Kentingtons flags potential tax benefits but it is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution
Why am I paying two lots of French tax at the end of the year? We explain when the balance of any tax and social charges on the previous calendar year’s income is paid, as well as new on-account payments
Hundreds of Americans in France want to give up US citizenship Double taxation cited as a reason - only the US and Eritrea base tax on citizenship, not residency
Changing tax bands in France: How much could you save in 2023? The average household will save on average €350, but individual gains will depend on your income tax band
Do all newspapers subscriptions qualify for a French tax credit? Some 30% off your abonnement is possible, under conditions, in a scheme set up to help boost the press sector
France plans higher tax bracket thresholds to account for inflation The rise is to take into account the fact that many people got wage rises this year to manage the cost of living crisis, which could have pushed them up a tax bracket
French tax payments due imminently if 2021 tax-at-source rate too low If your salary or income increased in 2021 or you were entitled to fewer tax credits than in 2020, you may owe money to the tax administration
How to report an error on your French income tax assessment The ‘avis d’imposition’ stating how much income tax you owe are ready for many people in France - we explain what to do if you spot a mistake
Income tax reimbursements start in France tomorrow: are you eligible? Each year, several million people receive repayments from the tax authorities on July 21 and August 2
See the deadlines to update bank details on French income tax website Having the correct bank details means that you can more easily receive tax rebates or pay any extra taxes that you owe
Revolut, N26: Neobank accounts must be declared to France When making their French tax declaration, residents in France need to check where the banks are located to see if they count as foreign accounts
France’s deadline for paper income declarations extended to end of May If you are a first-time declarer or are unable to declare online, you now have extra time to complete your declaration this year
French income declaration: How do you note a redundancy payment? This depends on the firm’s convention scheme and the amount of redundancy paid. We explain the details
I was widowed and remarried in one year. How do I do my French taxes? In order to avoid complications, consider filling out separate tax declarations. We explain how you can do it.
Income tax declarations: parents urged to claim their discount Parents of children in collège, lycée or higher education are entitled to a tax reduction but must take action to claim it
French income tax: Deadlines for 2021 declarations released All French residents must declare, as well as non-residents with French-declarable income such as French rental income
How to apply for a ‘numéro fiscal’ for your first French tax return You need this identification number to submit your income tax declaration online. We explain how and when you will receive it
Exchange rates for 2021 income to help with French tax declaration Foreign income must be declared in euros on your French tax return but we have a handy guide for major English-speaking countries
Can I claim expenses against income tax without invoices in France? A lack of invoices for construction work on a property could prove problematic when selling up
Bank accounts, gifts: Eight tips to help avoid a French tax inspection Tax inspectors save France billions of euros every year and checks are increasing. We give pointers at to what could trigger a contrôle fiscal
Are French income tax bands doubled for married couple to reduce tax? Reader question: What are the income tax bands for a married couple? Are they just doubled compared to the allowance for a single person?
How much can person’s income be before they pay income tax in France? The level of relevant net income for this varies from year to year; we break down the figures for tax on 2021 income, declarable this spring
Tax situation in France different if I am Irish? I was born in Northern Ireland and recently claimed Irish nationality as well as British. If I tell the tax office I’m Irish, will it affect the taxation of my UK government pension, which is currently taxed in the UK? P.J.
UK tax law: can I work from my second home in France? I currently have to work from home for my company in the UK. If I don’t have to go to my office, can I go to my second home in France and work from there, without paying income tax in France?
Key dates relating to French property and income tax in November 2021 Several deadlines are coming up for payment of taxe d’habitation, the TV licence fee and income tax
Reminder: Key October dates for French property and income tax Here is a guide to keep track of deadlines this month, including payment dates and when to expect direct debit instalments
France 2022 budget: How could it affect your finances? Economy minister says 2022 provisional budget is like comté cheese...because it is solid and ‘doesn’t have any holes’
French income tax: Online service now open to correct declarations You should now have received your avis d'impôt income tax statement. Most elements can still be corrected if you realise you made a mistake
Checklist: French tax deadlines for rest of 2021 Income tax, property taxes, wealth tax, TV licence fee… there are a number of key tax dates still to remember before the end of the year
May 20 is deadline to post paper income tax declarations in France Envelopes containing forms for declarations from residents and non-residents must be postmarked Thursday, May 20, 2021
Self-employed in France? Tax and social charge declarations simplified The separate déclaration sociale has been abolished from this year for most small businesses under the réel tax regime
French income tax 2021: Update Last-minute changes in French income declarations this year include some changes to box locations on the paper forms, and new boxes for declaring small business income that benefited from social charges relief related to the Covid-19 pandemic. There are also some changes to the 3916 form for declaring overseas accounts.
French income tax return: What is the imprimé fiscal unique? French banks and investment providers can issue a useful form which can save you time with your declaration
Airbnb, Vinted: Do online earnings need to be declared for French tax? It depends on the nature and amount of the income - and the tax office will be directly informed of larger sums. We explain more
French income tax: What is the Asdir and when might you need it? This document, generated as soon as you apply online, can help with many practical situations such as renting a flat or opening a bank account
French income declarations open online today No major changes are expected for your declarations of 2020 income this April to June
What are the French income tax declaration dates for 2021? This year’s deadlines for declaring 2020 income show a return to a more traditional pattern after changes last year linked to the Covid lockdown
7 facts about tax in France that may surprise you Did you know that in recent years more than half of French households did not actually pay income tax?
Some taxpayers in France to get advance tax credit payouts Taxpayers in France with expenses such as paying for help at home or who give regularly to charity can expect money into their accounts from January 15
I live in France but still declare income to the UK I am a retired British citizen living permanently in France. All my income, pensions etc are in the UK. I submit a UK tax return because that is what I did before I retired. I know there is a dual UK/France taxation agreement. Must I submit a declaration to the French tax authorities? C.W.
Why your French tax rate may have changed You may not have noticed it yet – but if you are a French income tax payer, your tax rate may have changed yesterday.
First French income tax deadline this week This Thursday, June 4, at midnight is the first deadline for income tax declarations in France.
Small business and tax advice: régime réel incomes explained In the June small business and tax advice column, a reader's question on régime réel incomes for the self-employed is answered.
Are you rich? New report defines what ‘rich’ means in France What does it mean to be “rich” in France? A new report defines it as having at least twice the national median income, and says that there are five million such “rich people” living in France.
Income tax in France: what is form 2041E? In our monthly money column you'll find advice on important financial matters in France. In the June issue, Hugh MacDonald explains form 2041E in relation to income tax, and much more.
French Income tax declaration 2020: Updates The online portal for French income declarations is now open and paper forms will be arriving for those who declared on paper last year – here we provide updates on the latest changes to the declaration system this year.
Email or call tax offices in France – don’t visit People should not visit their local tax offices in France during the Covid-19 crisis, the government has said in a statement.
French income tax dates deferred due to Covid-19 French income declaration dates are being deferred to later this year due to the Covid-19 crisis.
Tax at source in France: Your questions answered Annual income tax declaration time is fast approaching in France
French tax exemption for rentals There is an income tax exemption for people who rent out a room in their home, which avoids the need for the property owner to declare the income under the micro-BIC regime.
Do I declare interest within UK investment bonds? My wife and I moved to France in 2006. We are both retired and have incomes from pensions. We also have some UK investments called flexible investment plan, flexible options bond, capital investment bond, investment bond etc, depending on the company they are with. We told the French tax authorities of these bonds and sent them a list of the companies. We do not take interest from them and do not need to. Any interest they make stays in the bond. Am I right that we do not have to declare this interest? J.R.
Why is money due for French pensions alimentaires? We are paying a monthly payment to the tax office headed “Pensions alimentaires, Revenus de source étrangère (taxés comme les salaires)” , which we have never paid before (we have paid our usual income tax). Is this new? L.A.