Divorced French woman must pay ex-husband’s €400,000 debt: Why? The law that links former partners financially is controversial
Drivers from France may soon be subject to new alcohol limit when visiting Spain The new measure is expected to be rolled out in 2025
Repeat incivilities on public transport in France may soon be punishable by jail time Offenders who spit, put their feet on seats or play music too loud are targetted by new proposal
news Return to door-to-door home rubbish collection expected for many in France The decision could set a precedent for up to two million people in different areas of France
Skiers risk a fine (and even criminal charges) for these offences in France From ‘speeding’ down slopes to drunkenness, we look at the rules of the mountains
Latest property energy efficiency rules as parliament rejects bill Landlords now have to follow the climate law rules without exception
Legal: French court rules against using neighbour's land for parking A droit de servitude (right of way) is not for mere convenience, rules France's highest court
More divorcees are being discharged from ex-partner’s debts in France Under previous legislation, individuals were more often liable for their ex-partner’s debts and tax fraud
French councils ‘broke rules’ on smart camera surveillance of public Illegal camera activity included the use of real-time facial recognition software
What changes are proposed in the planned new French immigration law? The interior minister has set out four main proposals for a new 2025 immigration law
Inheritance in France: Can lodging a child for low rent cause issues? The French supreme court has overturned a decision by the court of appeal on what constitutes a ‘gift’ by a parent
Is a French Pacs recognised in the UK or US? The UK and US have differing legal views on French civil partnerships
Crackdown on knife-carrying in France: what are the rules? Authorities are increasingly applying the existing law more rigorously, but critics say it is ‘too ambiguous’
Alain Delon buried at his French home: what are the rules for this? Burials are uncommon at an individual residence and must satisfy certain conditions and have prior prefectural approval Couple must reimburse €400,000 for French home that cannot be lived in France changes its deadline rules for burials and cremations Health strike, foreigners’ tax errors, scams: French practical updates
Explained: How to settle disputes without going to court in France We look at the new ‘amicable’ process for everyday civil claims introduced to find out-of-court solutions Marineland in south of France again criticised over new whale death Tips for making a will in France without a notaire Watchdog takes action over banned treatment of French mineral water Student receives €7,000 in train fines after identity theft in France Covid-19: French state guilty of stopping son visiting dying father
Property energy rating system in France eased (a little) Smaller properties are to have their DPE calculated differently so their rating more accurately ‘reflects reality’, the government says
What are the laws surrounding trespassing in France? Trespassing rules are governed by the furnished condition of a house and can include any garden also
Paris homeworker injured by her ironing board claims work accident Court hears the woman broke her toes when the board fell on them as she opened a cupboard
Explainer: How criminal courts and jury service work in France We look at the active role of judges, how cases are tried and why the system is so slow
EU decision on France’s inheritance law pushed back to February Multiple complaints have been made to the European Commission against French forced heirship rules on foreigners
Four sent to jail over ‘home-jacking’ in south-west France The masked gang arrived at home of retired couple armed with a gun and demanded valuables. The wife and a house cleaner were tied up
New law to stop ‘townie’ complaints over French farm smells and noises MPs who voted for the law hope it will free up courts from cases about farmers ‘just doing their jobs’
‘No scar’: surgeon in France accused of just pretending to operate The doctor denies the claims and said the allegations had ‘ruined the end of his career’
Couple in court for homeschooling son without permission in France ‘We are not separatists, we are not dangerous,’ say the couple, who have been supported by homeschooling associations
4 ways to lower the price when buying property in France From agency commission to negotiating the cost of furnishings, here are some tips
No penalty for driver caught at 275 km/h on French motorway The court was forced to acquit the defendant based on a technicality
Tips to avoid cold calls in France - and what to say if you get one Be aware of marketing numbers and rules around nuisance calls
Senate debates compensation for gay people criminalised by France A new proposal seeks to ‘repair society’s error’ and compensate those affected by at least €10,000 each plus extra for every day they spent in prison
Will French step-children inherit my estate? John Kitching of French Law Consultancy answers a reader query
U-turn on strict environmental rules for holiday chalets in France A building firm has won a legal battle to drop costly green regulations for small holiday bungalows
50 French senators back more flexible rules for second-home owners More than a quarter of the dominant Les Républicains group in the Senate have now put their name to one or more amendments
Why France’s justice minister is himself on trial In an unprecedented scenario, the former high-profile lawyer faces charges into ‘illegal conflicts of interest’
Senate votes to ban ‘inclusive language’ from official French texts The authors of the proposal said the gender neutral conventions are too confusing for people with dyslexia and other cognitive disabilities
How to declare possession of a gun in France Hunters must create an online account and declare their weapons by the end of the year, with other owners to follow in 2024. We explain the system
Why Macron wants the right to abortion added to French constitution The president announced the plan as part of an homage to the French lawyer instrumental in making abortion legal in France in 1975
14 years’ jail for man who escaped from French prison by helicopter The gangster was said to have been inspired by prison-break films
Explainer: Rights and obligations for shared garden walls in France What work can you do on your side and what are the shared costs and responsibilities?
Bid to stop marmot hunting in France fails Six environmental associations denounced the hunting as ‘scandalous’ but the court did not rule in their favour
Are all-season tyres allowed during winter in France? Winter tyres are required from November in several areas of France, but the rules do offer a degree of flexibility
What the new digital law will change for people in France The new rules will ‘protect citizens, children, and businesses’, the digital minister has promised
‘School bullies in France must get more help as well as victims’ A recent law change, which can force bullies to change school, has been welcomed but more support still needed, says anti-bullying charity
Boy, 16, compensated in France after mother’s exposure to glyphosate It is the first official acknowledgment of a link between the pesticide and prenatal damage
Why does a new French anti-squatting law appear to protect squatters? Judges who tweaked a new law are accused of being more concerned about squatters’ comfort than owners’ rights
Court cancels two water ‘megabasin’ projects in western France The controversial reservoirs were ‘not associated with any real water-saving measures,’ it ruled
Apple’s iPhone 12 is removed from sale in France due to wave issue The company has two weeks to fix the problem
Complaints grow over France’s inheritance law on forced heirship European Commission notes wide public interest as it studies legality of 2021 forced heirship rules
Macron raises possibility of referendum on immigration in France But would such a plan first need constitutional change?
France prepares to ban use of word ‘steak’ for vegetarian food items The agriculture ministry is working on a new decree on the controversial issue, which would also ban the use of the words ‘bacon’ and ‘sausage’ for plant-based products
Are speed camera detectors in cars legal in France? In car ‘radar warning systems’ can alert drivers of fixed speed cameras and some can use live information to warn of mobile devices also
Support for woman prosecuted for walking topless in street in France She said she was only doing what ‘half of men do’ and that she was overheating. A woman previously prosecuted for doing the same said the current law is unfair
I agree French visa system is too difficult A Connexion reader says that troubles are not limited to online processes – face-to-face appointments can also be challenging
Controversial ban on public sitting in French town partially suspended A court said restrictions on sitting or lying in public spaces in Angoulême represented ‘a disproportionate infringement of freedom’
Channel ferry crews to be better protected by new French and UK laws But not all cross-Channel ferry companies have signed an additional voluntary charter on wages and working conditions
Is it legal to use a VPN to watch TV in France? Virtual private networks can allow you to watch TV from your home country while in France
Holidaymakers in France discover hidden camera in Airbnb bathroom The woman took the camera to the local police station and an inquiry has been opened
France travel: What are your rights for late, lost or damaged luggage? If the worst does happen, here are some tips on what you should do next
‘Greedy families pushing an assisted death in France is nonsense’ We speak to the director of a pro-euthanasia group who welcomes the end-of-life legislation review, and we remember campaigner Jacqueline Jencquel
Couples who married outside France warned over marriage regime changes A quirk in the law means some marriage regimes have been changed automatically, affecting inheritance and property ownership
Drug- and drink-drivers in France could face longer prison sentences It comes after several high-profile accidents, including one which saw three police officers killed near Lille
Explainer: Difference between contravention, délit and crime in France We walk through how crimes are classified and tried in the French legal system where only the most serious have a jury
Wildfires: French law may require you to cut back at-risk vegetation In southern regions of France, residents whose property is within 200m of woodland must prune or clear plants which could enable a fire to spread
How will France’s online safety bill protect you from scammers? Changes could even see Twitter blocked over its approach to pornography rules, says minister
Ban bird hunting with glue and traps by closing loophole, France told France’s highest administrative court said the government must annul 1989 decrees on traditional bird hunting methods
Blonde, bald, Afro: French MP plans an anti ‘hair discrimination’ law Olivier Serva said many people suffer prejudice linked to their hair
What is France’s Constitutional Council and why is it in the news? With the council set to make an important ruling on Friday (April 14), we take a closer look at how it works
New French law will tackle ‘phoney’ rural noise complaints It comes as France’s justice minister attacked the ‘urban mentality’ of some people moving to the French countryside
French gruyere-makers angry as court approves US version French and Swiss producers had tried to obtain exclusive use of the name gruyere, which is strictly defined in Europe, but not protected in the US
French citizens’ council votes for assisted dying (with conditions) It comes after France’s ethics advisory body earlier said that patients are increasingly ‘forgotten’ in end-of-life care
Must we carry carte de séjour at all times in France? We look at what types of identification you should carry with you in France
Servier launches Paris appeal over Mediator ‘slimming pill’ scandal It comes after the manufacturing lab was found guilty of aggravated deception and manslaughter in connection with the drug which has been linked to hundreds of deaths
'Voir dire': You need Latin not French to understand this legal phrase Language ‘false friends’ can confuse translation but a bit of Latin can help in this (court) case
French court definitively allows sale of CBD flowers and products The new Conseil d’Etat decision overturns a previous government ban and has been welcomed by the industry
‘Pension age rise in France is unnecessary and will worsen inequality’ An economist tells us why he thinks President Macron really wants to increase the retirement age – it benefits business not pensioners
MAP: where in France do you now need winter tyres or snow chains? A new law means the requirements can be enforced in 48 mountainous departments, but not all have opted to bring the rule in
Snow tyre law could be used by French car insurers to refuse claims Although drivers will not be fined for non-compliance until next year, insurers say they may be exempt from cover in the case of an accident